Judaism in jewish culture functions as fences to against assimilation by other cultures . also , judaism was spread into the whole world through christianity and islamism as mother religion of these two new religions . the fact of jewish culture as religious culture doesn ’ t cover its identity as a cosmopolitan culture 犹太文化发端于四千年前的上古时期,之后通过在世界范围内与各种文化的长期冲突和交融中,得到了最充分地表现和发展,并且至今一以贯之,保留着原始文化形态的许多特征。
The major ethnic problems of the five central asian countries are the contradictions and conflicts between principal ethnic groups , the contradictions between principal ethnic groups and the russians , the rights and interests concerning the non - principal ethnic groups , the tribalism and sectionalism , the migration problems , the problems of pan - turkism and pan - islamism and the collaboration of " three vicious powers " i . e . national splittism , religious extremism and terrorism 中亚五国的民族问题主要有:主体民族之间的矛盾与冲突;主体民族与俄罗斯人之间的矛盾;少数民族的权益问题;部族主义问题和地方主义问题;移民问题;中亚泛突厥主义、泛伊斯兰主义问题;中亚“三股势力”的合流。
Islamism (Islam+-ism; , "Political Islam", or ) is a set of ideologies holding that "Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life".Berman, S, "Islamism, Revolution, and Civil Society, Perspectives on Politics", Vol.