The pentagon's latest annual report on chinese military power stated that china is investing heavily in weapons designed “ to interdict, at long ranges, aircraft carrier and expeditionary strike groups that might deploy to the western pacific 五角大楼关于中国军力的最新年报指出,中国斥巨资研发武器,用来远距离阻断可能部署在西太平洋的航母远征打击群
There are some special criminal policy thoughts in " guanzi " . they are administration complies with public sentiment, the best policy being proper policy, interdicting micro-evil, not amnestying minor offenses and the comprehensive treatment for violence 《管子》中的法家刑事政策思想自成一派,其主张顺民心以立政,治莫贵于得齐,禁微邪,毋赦小过和综合禁暴。
Wu wan-lung is a member of the special duty unit of the royal hong kong police force and is temporarily interdicted from duty because he has been suffering from epilepsy . in order to overcome his being depressed from such illness and to continuously keep bodily fit 飞虎队员胡云因患羊痫症而被停职,在练习跑步时救了险被劫财势色的麦翠娴,把三名持械匪徒打至重伤。
Beijing continues to acquire advanced aircraft and weapons, with the goal of improving the abilities of the plaaf and planaf to defend national airspace from attack and to interdict and strike enemy forces at greater distances from china's land and sea borders 北京继续获取先进的飞机和武器,以提高其空军和海军保卫领空免遭攻击的能力,并且在更加远离中国国土和海洋边界的地方拦截和打击敌军。
Impermeable wall interdicts or weakens waterpower contact of seepage intercomplementarity between groundwater inside dike and river outside dike . especially, mass continuous concrete wall may have made effect on groundwater power field, chemistry field and water resource 同时由于防渗墙阻断或减弱了堤内地下水与堤外江水渗流互补的水力联系,特别是建设大规模连续防渗墙可能对地下水动力场、水化学场以及地下水资源等产生影响。
In vain she wept and writhed against the interdict, and implored her father to have pity on linton : all she got to comfort her was a promise that he would write and give him leave to come to the grange when he pleased; but explaining that he must no longer expect to see catherine at wuthering heights 她又哭又闹,反抗这道禁令,并且求她父亲可怜可怜林敦,他答应会写信通知林敦,允许他在高兴来的时候可以到田庄来这是凯瑟琳所得到的唯一的安慰了。不过信上还要说明他不必再希望会在呼啸山庄看见凯瑟琳了。
The new synthesized protein was led to endoplastic reticulum cavity by eukaryotic secretory signal peptide sequence and then anchored to innerwall of endoplastic reticulum by kdel sequence, which interdicted the process of protein entering golgi body and cytoplasm, and then avoided heterogeneous glycosylation modification of foreign protein and prolonged the disappearance of half life of protein in organism . 2 真核分泌信号肽序列可以引导新合成的蛋白质进入内质网腔,kdel序列将进入内质网腔的蛋白质锚定在内质网内壁上,从而阻断了蛋白质进入高尔基体和细胞质的过程,进而避免了外源蛋白质的异源糖基化修饰,延长了蛋白质在生物体内的半衰期。