waste adj. 1.荒芜的,不毛的,荒废了的;未开垦的;荒凉的。 2.废弃的,无用的;多余的;身体内排泄的。 waste land(s) 荒地。 waste water 废水。 waste heat 废热,余热。 waste products (工厂出品中的)废品。 waste product (身体组织中的)废料。 lay waste 糟蹋,毁坏,蹂躏;劫掠。 lie waste (土地)荒芜,未开垦。 the waste periods of history 历史上单调平凡[荒芜]的时期。 vt. 1.糟蹋,浪费。 2.毁坏,破坏,蹂躏,使荒芜。 3.消耗,使衰弱;【法律】(因使用不当而)损坏(房屋等);【石工】把(石头)解成适当的大小。 4.〔美俚〕毒打;消灭;凶杀。 waste an opportunity 浪费机会。 Kind words are wasted (up)on him. 跟他说好话是白说了。 vi. 1.消耗;消瘦,衰弱。 2.浪费。 3.(时间)过去,消逝。 Day [Night] wastes. 太阳下山[天快亮]了。 waste away 消瘦。 W- not, want not. 不浪费,不愁穷。 waste one's words [breath] 徒费口舌。 n. 1.浪费。 2.〔常 pl. 〕荒地,荒野,未开垦地;沙漠;荒芜。 3.消耗(量),损耗;衰弱;渐损;【法律】毁损,损坏。 4.废料,废品,废物;剩余物,废屑;破布。 5.【机械工程】碎纱,纱头〔机器工人擦手用〕。 6.【地质学;地理学】风化物;(被水流冲蚀的)岩屑。 7.垃圾;污水; 〔 pl. 〕 粪便。 waste of time 浪费时间。 (a) waste of speech 浪费唇舌。 a waste of waters 茫茫大海。 run [go] to waste 糟蹋掉;(钱财等)被浪费掉。 waste and repair 消耗和补充。 waste recovering 废料回收。 n. -plex 废物再生利用联合企业。
human adj. 1.人的,人类的 (opp. divine, animal)。 2.凡人皆有的,显示人类特点的。 3.有人性的,通人情的。 human affairs 人事。 a human being [creature] 人。 the human race 人类。 To err is human. 〔谚语〕人皆有过。 human torpedo 人控鱼雷。 n. 〔口、谑〕人;〔the H-〕人类。 less than human 没人性,不合人道。 more than human 超人一等。 adj. -like ,-ness n.
New zealand has come up with a new idea for getting rid of tons of human waste without having to create new landfills 纽西兰想出一个新点子,不必设立新垃圾掩埋场,就能处理掉数以吨计的人类废弃物。
Deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6 to 8 inches deep at least 200 feet from water, camp, and trails . cover and-disguise the cathole when finished 置排泄物的小洞必须六至八寸深,离水源、营地及步道至少两百尺。事毕掩埋并掩饰。
Washer-disinfectors-part 3 : requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing thermal disinfection for human waste containers iso 15883-3 : 2006; german version en iso 15883-3 : 2006 洗涤消毒器.第3部分:对人类废弃物容器进行热消毒的洗
In communities where storm drains feed into sewer pipes, heavy rains can cause overflows that dump untreated human waste into rivers, lakes and bays 在某些社区,雨水沟的水会流入下水道,于是豪雨一来,尚未处理的人类排泄物就会溢出,流入河流、湖泊和海湾。
Drinking recycled water doesn't wash with most australians, with nearly half believing it contains human waste and 70 per cent equating it with purified sewage 喝回收水还没有让大多数澳洲人接受,几乎一半的人认为回收水中含有人体的废物,70%的人认为回收水就是纯化污水。
Not to worry though, the dried human waste will be cleaned and treated before being dumped on a side of the volcanic island that has been desolate in the past 50 years 然而,外界无须担心,这种乾燥的人类废弃物会先加以洁净处理,才会倾倒在这座已经荒芜50年的火山岛之一侧。
The continuously revolving wheels symbolize the spirit of recycling human waste-to regenerate the natural colors of nature, and to preserve our environmental resources 不断运转的滚轮,象征以资源回收的精神处理人类社会的废弃物,并透过再生利用的方式,让自然的色彩能够重生,藉以彰显环保意识与资源回收的精神。
In turn, industrial and human waste has added to the pollution of water, while air emissions have caused acid rain and ozone concentrations that have reduced the productivity of the remaining agricultural land 政府完全认同陆议员提出条例草案的目标,与陆议员磋商之后,政府决定以政府条例草案向本会提交该修订建议。
When that occurs, a person wearing a protective full-body suit and a breathing mask enters the chamber and swims through tons of human waste to tie a cable to the top of the pump so it can be lifted and everything filtered out 人体废弃物在某种程度上是有毒的,所以在“游泳者”身上会附有几个警告器,以便在空气对生命有威胁时做出警告。
Moving downstream with animal feces in storm water runoff or with human waste in sewage overflows and septic-tank leaks, the waterborne microbes can cause liver disease, respiratory infections and potentially fatal gastrointestinal disorders 不论是随著暴雨迳流而来的动物粪便,或是污水排放管、化粪池渗滤系统中的人类排泄物顺流而下,水媒微生物都会引起肝病、呼吸道感染,以及可能致命的肠胃疾病。