With the clear perception of my plight, there fell upon me a blackness of despair . 我清楚地感觉到自己危险的境况,眼前出现的将是一片绝望的黑暗。
He was already frightened at the suspicion that had fallen upon him, without quite knowing why . 他已经被这个莫名其妙地把他牵连在内的嫌疑吓昏了。
From the atmosphere, water molecules fall upon the earth's surface as rain, snow, hail and sleet . 水分子以雨、雪、雹和霰的形式从大气圈降落到地表。
They therefore fell upon the spaniards when they landed, and drove them back to their ships . 因此,这些西班牙人一登陆就遭到了他们的攻击,被迫退回船上。
When a sea burst upon it the lighter sprays fell upon her deck and wetted us like rain . 当一个浪头冲击着它时,轻漂的浪花翻上了船甲板,下雨般的淋了我们一身。
Now tom shivered from head to heel, for his eyes fell upon the stolid face of injun joe . 汤姆从头顶到脚跟都发抖了,因为他的眼睛瞟见了印江乔那副冷冰冰的面孔。
Tears fell upon the leaf of the book, perhaps, or blistered the pages of his manuscript, as the passionate young man dashed his thoughts down . 当热情洋溢的年轻人奋笔疾书的时候,眼泪曾滴落在稿纸上,或者曾使一些字迹变得模糊不清。
They instantly detecting the intruder, stripped him of his borrowed plumes, and falling upon him with their beaks, sent him about his business . 他们立刻发觉了这个闯进来的家伙,拔掉了他身上捡来的羽毛,并且用嘴啄他,把他赶了出去。
A familiar illustration is provided by the force upon a stationary platform while a uniform flexible chain falls upon it from a hanging position . 当一个均匀而柔软的链子从悬挂位置落到静止平台上时,作用在平台上的力提供了一个熟知的例证。
I fall upon the thorns of life ! i bleed 我跌落在生命的利刺上,鲜血淋漓,遍体鳞伤
fall uponとは意味:{句動-1} : ~の上にかかる、~に向かって行く The first snow has not yet fallen on ~. ~にはまだ初雪がない。 The stress falls on this word. アクセントはこの語にある。 The primary accent falls on the third syllable in "volunteer". volunteer(という単...