
external database中文是什么意思

  • 管理外部数据库
  • 外部数据库



  • 例句与用法
  • The frame knowledge representation approach is applied to the system in which the knowledge base and topology structural database of power network are saved as external databases
  • A notification services application can either store data in the application database or query other event sources , such as external databases , at run time
    Notification services应用程序可以在应用程序数据库中存储数据,也可以在运行时查询其他事件源(例如,外部数据库) 。
  • In addition to the built - in rules , spamassassin can access external databases , such as commercial blacklist services and the razor and dcc spam checksum databases
    除了了解诸如自动筛选之类的技术外, spamassassin还可以访问诸如商业黑名单服务和razor及dcc垃圾邮件校验和数据库之类的外部数据库。
  • While this example demonstrates extending the scope of impersonation to allow access to an object in an external database , it is also possible to extend scope of impersonation to the instance of sql server
    此示例说明了扩展模拟作用域以访问外部数据库中的对象,还可以将模拟作用域扩展到sql server实例。
  • The excel add - in : open database connectivity odbc contains the sql . request worksheet function , which can connect to an external database and return a query to the worksheet
    Excel 2002加载宏:开放式数据库连接odbc包含了工作表的sql . request功能。该功能用来连接外部数据源,运行查询,并把查询结果返回此工作表。
  • And they are indispensable information to residence borough managing system . since they cannot be put into the datasheet of gis , they must be stored at the external database so as to be managed easily
  • Developing the autocad ' s internal and external database with visual lisp language , using external database to save design parameters of chemical engineering standard parts , the paper realizes the creating from database to graphic database
  • This paper mainly discusses how to research and develop the cad engineering graphics test automatic grading system based on graphics database and external database technology with the visual c + + ide and object arx kit as the instruments
    本文主要讨论了如何利用visumc + + 6 . 0与objectarx为开发工具,并基于图形数据库和外部数据库技术,进行cad工程图形考试自动评判系统的开发与研究。
  • To manage and store the associated framework , content objects , and resource definitions , workplace web content management uses a dedicated repository , which is maintained and accessed through an external database management system dbms
    为了管理和存储相关的框架、内容对象以及资源定义, workplace web content management使用一个专用的存储库,通过外部数据库管理系统( dbms )对该存储库进行维护和访问。
  • Prototype . adding an external database to the application diagram makes it possible for you to document the existence of a database , visualize connections to it , and most importantly , create database consumer endpoints on connected applications
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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external database的中文翻译,external database是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译external database,external database的中文意思,external database的中文external database in Chineseexternal database的中文external database怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
