
dynamic equilibrium中文是什么意思

  • 动态平衡。



  • 例句与用法
  • All the bioeconomic parameters estimated from the dynamic equilibrium ecosystem will be definitely traced and reevaluated yearly in future to manage the resource efficiently
  • The conclusion is that government should pay more attentions to agriculture and keep a dynamic equilibrium among agriculture , industry and other businesses during the course of economic development
  • The process of flashing involves ionization on the dirty surface concerning the factors of electric , heat and chemicals , thermal dynamic equilibrium process of local electric arc occurrence and development
  • The process of flashing involves ionization on the dirty surface concerning the factors of electric , heat and chemicals , thermal dynamic equilibrium process of local electric arc occurrence and development
  • To enclose tideland for cultivation can not only solve some problems of tidelands but also make use of the advantages of reclamation to develop cultivated land and aquatic breeding , andto realize dynamic equilibrium of cultivated land area
  • Sets up three - dimensional movement modal of towed - cable , the vector dynamic equilibrium equation is expanded under local coordinate , and numerically discreted by central difference on time and space through transforming eular angle
  • The solution format and caculation step of nonlinear dynamic equilibrium equation was derived by newmark method in this article , and dynamic caculation flow chart and relevant program of the frp honeycomb structure was given in two dimension
  • Second , according to field investigation and wind - tunnel experiment , some scholar s advanced that barchan dunes often appear in dynamic equilibrium shapes when th ey move along the direction perpendi cular to the dune ridge under the influence of unimodle sand - moving wind
  • The research shows : ( l ) to ease up the contradiction between humans and land and to achieve the goal of so called " dynamic equilibrium of total arable land " in southern hilly region , farmland consolidation is imperative under the situation
    研究表明: ( 1 )为缓和该地区人地矛盾和实现耕地总量动态平衡的目标,农地整理势在必行。相应的,南方丘陵地区农地整理项目规划设计的技术与方法研究就显得更为重要。
  • With making a co - integration analysis on the data of time series , we can find that there are a long - term dynamic equilibrium relation and short - term error correction mechanism among economic development , system transforming and transaction cost in 1978 - 2003 in china
    摘要使用协整分析方法对转型时期中国经验数据进行定量分析,可以发现, 1978 - 2003年我国的经济发展、体制转型与交易费用之间存在长期动态均衡关系和短期误差修正机制。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 百科解释
A dynamic equilibrium exists once a reversible reaction ceases to change its ratio of reactants/products, but substances move between the chemicals at an equal rate, meaning there is no net change. It is a particular example of a system in a steady state.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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