
data recovery中文是什么意思

  • 数据复原
  • 数据恢复
  • 数据修复
  • 信息整理



  • 例句与用法
  • The time for the data recovery process normally takes 1 - 2 weeks , but the time maybe shorter or longer , all depends on the damage of the device
  • This paper gives one special method for data recovery from the damaged database file through analyzing the structure of data file of sql server database
  • The restoration of backup data recovery needs after re - run update , although we would still be prompted to update , but will skip the 20 mb data for the virus
  • Shutting down the database in derby is also important to ensure that data recovery checkpoints and various other database management functions are handled properly
  • Reconstruction via iteration is used for fault data recovery in this thesis . iterative reconstruction is a process of sliding the measure to pcs along the direction of fault
  • If you are having data access problems and your media has no symptoms of physical failure or damage , try and check some obvious issues before deciding if you need data recovery
  • Deactivating service broker message delivery allows you to safely attach a backup of a database for troubleshooting or data recovery purposes without running the risk of misdirected messages . the
    停用service broker消息传递后,可以安全地附加数据库备份以便故障排除或数据恢复,而无需承担误传消息的风险。
  • User interface subsystem , state analyze subsystem , policy manage subsystem , take - over and concur subsystem , data recovery subsystem are composed the disaster tolerance system of xx project
  • The topics in this section provide the basic architectural information required to understand how the transaction log is used to guarantee the data integrity of the database and how it is used for data recovery
  • The data recovery at the receiver requires the spreading codes . in sess system , the receiver doesn ’ t know which spreading code will be used , so first it must de - spread the received signal correctly to regenerate the spreading code
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
Data recovery is the process of salvaging data from damaged, failed, corrupted, or inaccessible secondary storage media when it cannot be accessed normally. Often the data are being salvaged from storage media such as internal or external hard disk drives, solid-state drives (SSD), USB flash drive, storage tapes, CDs, DVDs, RAID, and other electronics.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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