In this article , we firstly analyze the present status of cbse mainly concerning its framework . some deficiencies are pointed out as follows : some present component frameworks focus on the service providing for the components , but the separation of interface layer and business logic layer is ignored ; components are tightly coupled with the api provided by the framework ; lacking the support for component unit testing ; lacking the support for the modularization of crossing cutting concerns 本文首先以cbse中的框架为切入点,分析了cbse的现状,并指出了其中一些不足之处:现有的一些构件框架仅仅强调给构件提供服务,而忽略了接口层和业务逻辑层的分离;构件依赖于特定框架的api ;缺乏对单元测试的支持;缺乏对横切关注点( crosscuttingconcerns )的模块化支持。
One new type double backspin rotor type sand mixing machine passes technique appraisal of qingdao tianheng machinery co . , ltd . this machine adopts double rotor configuration researched internationally ; the rotor is installed on different output axis of same reducer , which produces comparative cross cutting speed by using rotors with different speed that makes sands get strong cutting and friction force . therefore , it can reduce clay and quicken sand mixing 一种新型双逆转子式混砂机在青岛天恒机械有限公司通过技术鉴定,该机采用国际首创的双转子结构,其转子安装在同一减速器的不同输出轴上,利用两个轴的不同转速使转子间产生相对交叉剪切速度,使砂子受到的冲剪及搓擦力加强,从而减少粘土团,加快砂子的混合。
Our work mainly focuses on these deficiencies , and can be summarized as follows : some problems encountered at the cbd process have been pointed out , concerning the real world project ; a light weight component framework - spring framework has been introduced with its underlying dependency injection pattern . the application of the spring framework is discussed in detail , and how to solve the problems concerning component composition and component unit testing as well ; the layer of indirection strategy has been applied in the project , to solve the interface dependency problem we commonly meet at cbd process ; aspect oriented programming ( aop ) has been introduced to solve the modularization of cross cutting concerns , and its application as well 本文主要针对上述不足之处,做了以下一些工作:以实践为依据,总结了在实施cbd过程中的一些具体问题;结合一个轻量级构件框架? springframework说明了如何使用dependencyinjection模式解决cbd过程中的构件组装、单元测试等问题;并在具体的项目中加以应用:将分层的设计思想引入到具体的项目中,解决了cbd过程中常见的接口依赖问题;分析了软件系统中的横切关注点问题,介绍了实现横切关注点模块化的方法? aop ,并应用aop实现了项目中一些横切关注点的模块化。