He has also been plucked from a chimney where he becamestuckwhile trying to burgle a house, and from the ceiling of abankwhere he was pinned by a security device 此前,他在潜入一所住宅企图行窃时曾被困在了一座烟囱里,后被他人救出。
Coulthard was convicted of burgling churches in 2003, and used lock picks and surgical scissors hidden in an empty camera case he used to disguise himself as a tourist 这名嫌疑人正是库尔撒德。在审讯中,库尔撒德对警方指控的犯罪事实供认不讳。
Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly 荷兰某位小偷在一家教堂行窃,当他意识到该教堂是专门帮助穷人和老人时,留下了这么一封检讨信,并承诺将来会捐款
The court heard that police received a report on january 17, 2002 that a flat in yau ma tei was burgled and four watches worth about $ 200, 000 were stolen 案情透露,警方于二二年一月十七日接报,指油麻地一单位被爆窃,损失四只总值约二十万的手表。
The jeweller had been burgled twice in a year before he decided to install extra security devices, but it was a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted 这个珠宝商一年内被偷窃两次后才决定安装特别的保险装置,这是一个贼去关门的事例。
At about 10.40 am today ( august 21 ), police received a report that a shop at the above address was burgled after the padlock of the main door was found missing 今早(八月二十一日)约十时四十分,警方接报上址一间店铺正门的锁头不翼而飞,及后发现店铺遭爆窃。
The duo aged 31 and 44 were arrested by officers of the regional crime unit of new territories south when they were trying to burgle a restaurant on chik shun street in tai wai yesterday ( november 15 ) 两名男子年龄分别是三十一及四十四岁,于昨日(十一月十五日)在大围积信街企图爆窃一间食肆时被新界南总区重案组探员拘捕。
Although he seems mean and penny pinching, he has had his share of bad luck . first, his baby boy died from a high fever, causing his wife to become a bit batty . then he was burgled, and the 3 million dollars that he scrimped and saved was gone in one night 表面好缩骨,事事计到尽,其实境况可怜凄惨儿子发高烧不幸早逝,老婆伤心到癫同时这数十年来他辛辛苦苦呃埋的300万,竟一夜间俾人爆格,化为乌有!
He has also been plucked from a chimney where he became stuck while trying to burgle a house, and from the ceiling of a bank where he was pinned by a security device . when they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants 而在另外一次溜进一家银行偷盗时,他被安全装置固定在了天花板上动弹不得,当警方赶到案发现场时,他一边在空中摇晃着自己的一条腿,一边往内裤里塞钞票。