The other is freehand brushwork which exist in chinese painting opposite traditional chinese realistic painting 二是东方的艺术一直就存在和工笔写实相对的写意。
Then it discusses the practical integration of freehand brushwork spirit and rock painting freehand brushwork from practice 在此如出上,又从实践出发来谈到了岩彩画与写意精神的具体结合及岩彩写意画的特征。
This kind of art with both fine brushwork and freehand brushwork has been continuously transmitted for many years and is not stopped in modern times 这一项工致而又写意传神的艺术多年来传承不断,在现代尤其不绝如缕。
These works impress through a kind of visual vigour and vitality , evident in a forceful brushwork and bold and quick grasping of the painting object 这些作品充满视觉活力,笔触有力、夸张,画物捕捉迅速,其生命力给人印象颇深。
Not all 3 , 500 participants were able to achieve the state of concentration believed best for calligraphy as they competed for the best brushwork 参加此次活动的3500名书法作者互相比拼,看谁的水平最高,但是并不是所有人都能达到写书法所要求的专心境界。
The artists captured the impression of the changing world with experiment of new techniques and subjects executed in vivid colours and brushworks 法国印象派艺术源于19世纪60年代,当时一群年轻艺术家以崭新的艺术手法表现当时的大千世界及他们对事物的瞬间感觉。
It broke the situation that was controlled by the single aesthetics standard and became the pioneer of freehand brushwork with intellectuals in tang dynasty 它打破了以釉色装饰为主要审美标准的一统天下局面,同唐朝文人“逸品画家”一起开创了大写意中国画的先河。
Cinematic freehand brushworks - an approach to wong kar - wai s films using a concept and method in chinese traditional painting and some observations on the national style and modernization of chinese cinema 论王家卫电影的写意性兼及中国电影的民族化与现代化等问题
Not all 3 , 500 participants were able to achieve the sought - after state of concentration believed best for calligraphy as they competed for the best brushwork 参加此次活动的3500名书法作者互相比拼,看谁的水平最高,但是并不是所有人都能达到写书法所要求的专心境界。