Those living under water aren't affected the raindrops bounce off the surface film 在水面薄膜上反弹起的雨滴不会影响水下的生物。
When the noise bounces off a fish or a rock, the dolphin hears the echo come back again 当声音从鱼或岩石反弹回来时,海豚再次听到回声。
Paul likes working with people, bouncing off people, and having them bounce off him 保罗喜欢和大家一起工作,了解大家的意见,也让大家了解他的意见。
Paul likes working with people, bouncing off people, and having them bounce off him 保罗喜欢和大家一起工作,了解大家的意见,也让大家了解他的意见。
Cano made it 7-0 with a three-run shot that bounced off the right field foul pole 卡诺以一支击中右外野全垒打标竿反弹的三分炮带给洋基7比0的巨幅领先。
I saw the slow-moving, sad-faced old gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car 我的汽车发动机罩撞飞了一个上了年纪的绅士时,我见他行动迟缓、满脸沮丧。
Toxic grenades now bounce off of objects ( ignoring monsters ) before exploding after 1.5 seconds 有毒手榴弹,现在弹跳的物体(忽略怪兽),然后发生爆炸后1.5秒。
It filled the length and breadth of the room, and for one brief moment it was like a bullet of light, bouncing off every brick in the building 有那么短暂的一瞬,这光线就像子弹一般在房间里的每一块砖头上颠动着。
Like light and radar waves, microwaves usually bounce off objects, making them visible to instruments and creating a shadow that can be detected 隐身斗篷的设计者,杜克大学电子和计算机工程部的副研究员大卫.史锐克说。
It was a flash of light from across our galaxy so powerful that it bounced off the moon and illuminated earth's upper atmosphere 爆炸的亮光在银河系一扫而过,光线如此明亮,以至于光从月球折射回来,把地球大气层的外层都照亮了。