" that the kikuyu , who were here before the kenyans , leave for a new world , " i answered . " for we , too , are an anachronism that no longer belongs here . “我是说,我们吉库尤人,早在肯尼亚人之前就来到了这里,现在要前去一个新的世界。 ”我回答说, “对于我们这些人,也是一样,我们都已经过时了,也不该属于这儿了。 ”
Consider the casual assumptions that television tends to cultivate : that complexity must be avoided , that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought , that verbal precision is an anachronism 想一想电视要达到的那些极不慎重的原则吧:必须避免复杂性,用视觉刺激来代替思考,语言的精确早已是不合时宜的要求。
We may wonder whether at the acme and summit of the human progress these anachronisms will be corrected by a finer intuition , a closer interaction of the social machinery than that which now jolts us round and along ; but such completeness is not to be prophesied , or even conceived as possible 也许我们渴望知道,当人类的进步到达完美的顶点时,人类的直觉更加敏锐了,把我们颠来倒去的社会机器配合得更加紧密了,在那个时候,时代的错误会不会得到改正不过这种完美现在是无法预言的,甚至也是不可能想象出来的。