

  • affect affect



  • 例句与用法
  • This article with references to some relative literature data first inquires into the beauty appreciation ability of literature from the characteristic of literature itself , then introspects literature education and inquires into the real meaning of literature aesthetic education from the dimension of history and reality , and finally , referring to the middle school chinese teaching practice , mainly discusses the implementation methods of literature aesthetic education : 1
  • His / her aesthetic intervention can be categorized into three types ; cognition , intention and analysis - the essay elaborates these three types with translation examples , and further suggests that keeping the translator ' s proper aesthetic intervention is a good method and criterion for transferring the inner beauty of the source poem
  • Part three , discussing the fundamental principles of school education from the aesthetic point of view , argues that , in school education , the value of educational aesthetics cannot be attained unless the basic belief has been established that aesthetics both inspires and unifies truth and good . in this part , the author elaborates on its epistemoiogical foundation , its basic implications and specific contents in school education . to achieve this , the author further affirms that the aesthetic education takes the acquisition of aesthetic perception as its intrinsic psychological condition , affectional education as its medium , artistic education as its foundation and aesthetic educational forms as its additional important conditions
  • The method of main factor analysis is applied for evaluating fabric shape style in this paper . as the result , many parameter for expressing aesthetics of fabric shape are replaced by only a few main factors . meanwhile , the samples of fabric are classified by the scored diagrams of main factors of drape aesthetics of fabrics . this provides a new method for reasonable evaluation of fabric shape aesthetics and choosing of clothing materials rightly
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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