Therefore , it is very important before cylinder liners ex - factory inspection that key dimensions and form - position tolerance can be measured quickly and precisely 因此,气缸套在出厂或装配前,其关键尺寸和形位公差能否快速、准确地进行的检测是十分重要的。
Based on the dimension variation analysis model , analysis model for form tolerance and location tolerance was established . matrix analysis model was adopted to realize assembly quality analysis 在装配体尺寸变动分析模型的基础,进一步建立形位公差分析模型;采用矩阵分析的方法实现装配体的装配质量分析。
Abstract : zero geometrical tolerance were discussed with instances . some problems difficult to understand of application zero geometrical under distinct circumstances were analysed and compared . in order to be used flexibly and rationally in automobile spares precision design 文摘:结合实例对零形位公差进行了较为详细的论述,并针对零形位公差在不同情况下应用所产生的一些难以理解的问题进行了分析与比较,以求在汽车零部件精度设计中更加灵活、更加合理地运用
The process - established module is characterized that what you see on the computer screen will be what you want when you work out the process , that the process can turn to the next line automatically , that the style of dimension tolerance , the shape and position tolerance accords with the state standard and that simple figures can be drawn by means of ole 系统的工艺编辑模块使得用户以所见即所得的方式完成工艺过程卡和工序图卡的编辑,能够实现工艺内容的自动换行和公差的上下标注,能够实现粗糙度和形位公差的国标标注,能够利用ole技术实现工序图的绘制。
The precision of the non - contact testing of flywheel gear ' s contour and location error of light electricity inspection machine based on virtual instrument has been carried on theory analysis in this paper . various contour and location tolerances of the part have been distributed depending on the result of the analysis , and the data handling method of measurement has been studied to find a data handling method of getting rid of the system error under one kind of condition of the big sample space 本文对飞轮齿圈形位误差光电检验机的精度进行了理论分析,依据分析的结果分配了零件的各种形位公差,并对测量结果的数据处理方法进行了研究,找到了一种在大样本空间的条件下依概率排除系统误差的数据处理方法,同时为了验证其可靠度对其进行了计算机仿真实验。
The author ' s work gives new way , which is beneficial to real time interaction and can efficiently reduce computing time as well as data storage amount . these algorithms can find good use in numerical machining , robotics , form - position tolerance and computer graphics . ( 3 ) degree reduction for nurbs curves and surfaces by applying the theory of the best uniform approximation of chebyshev polynomials and the explicit matrix representation of nurbs curves , this thesis centers on the research of the explicit nearly best approximation of multi - degree reduction of nurbs curves 以上关于等距曲线的几何逼近与代数逼近的算法改革了当前国际图形界只能对基曲线沿法矢方向平移定距离的点作近似逼近的固定模式,创造了利于交互操作,能有效地减少计算量及数据存储量的新方法,可在数控加工、浙江大学硕士学位论文机器人、形位公差学、计算机图形学中获得很好的应用( 3 ) nurbs曲线曲面降阶应用nurbs曲线的显式矩阵表示及chebyshev多项式逼近理论,以实现nurbs曲线显式一次性降多阶的近似最佳逼近为目标进行了研究