Researches of yield stress and influential parameters for pst crystals of tial based on micromechanics 合金临界屈服应力及影响因素的细观研究
05 . 02 test method for yield stress of heterogeneous propellants by the cone penetration method 用针入度法测定非均质推进剂的屈服应力的试验方法
Test method for determination of yield stress and apparent viscosity of used engine oils at low temperature 低温下废机油屈服应力和表观粘度测定方法
Test method for determination of yield stress and apparent viscosity of engine oils at low temperature 低温下发动机油屈服应力和表观粘度测定的试验方法
Standard test method for determination of yield stress and apparent viscosity of engine oils at low temperature 低温下发动机油屈服应力和表观粘度的标准测试方法
Standard test method for determination of yield stress and apparent viscosity of used engine oils at low temperature 测定低温下用过的发动机油的屈服应力和表观粘度的标准试验方法
The er fluid we developed is quite suitable for research purpose , and it has a static yield stress of 3kpa at 3 . 3kv / mm 这种电流变流体在3 . 3kv mm的外加电场强度下,静态剪切屈服应力可达3kpa 。
The result of simulation indicated that the maximum of mises stress in all the key parts is less than the yield stress of the gun steel 计算结果表明,各关键部件的发射动应力均小于炮钢材料的屈服极限。
The later is about 5 % greater than the former , but both fit well on the order with the yield stresses of commercial mr fluids 但两者的计算值都与商用磁流变液所能提供的剪切屈服应力在数量级上是吻合的。
The later is about 10 % greater than the former , but both is a little higher than the value of the yield stresses of commercial mr fluids 剪切屈服应力的计算值比商用磁流变液所能提供的剪切屈服应力在数值上要稍高一些。