The two - day workshop was held in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere . the main topics addressed included composition in video filming , news gathering , photography and video editing , along with practical sessions in news photography and editing 二天的研习活动在轻松欢乐的气氛中进行,主要的课程内容包括:电视摄影构图新闻采访摄影技巧拍摄后剪辑技巧以及采访摄影实习和剪辑实习等。
Students who undertake this production module have already had over two years ' experience in making video programmes , so they familiar with camera , lighting , sound recording and digital video editing techniques to quite a high standard 选修这一制作课程的学生,已经有了两年以上的录像节目制作经验;所以,他们都非常熟悉摄影机、用光、录音和数码录像剪辑技术,在这方面他们已经达到相当高的水准。
Our high definition video editing systems , press class cd manufacturing systems and network video transmission systems have been widely applied in tv stations , publishing houses , enterprises and public undertakings , government agencies , army and education industries 其高清视频编辑系统、出版级光盘制作系统和网络视频传输系统等已广为电视台、出版社、企事业单位、政府机关、军队及教育等行业使用。
Product categories include : antennas and towers ; broadband technologies ; cameras ; data broadcasting ; digital television ; microwave / satellite ; multimedia products and services ; radio programming ; video editing and effects ; information and research services and transmitters 产品包括:天线及发射塔;宽带技术;照相设备;数据广播;数字电视;微波/卫星;多媒体产品和服务;广播节目设计;录像编辑及效果;信息和研究服务和发射器。
The lighting - fast combination of firewire 400 800 and raid striping yields the speed you need for fast , smooth video editing , an extra - responsive photoshop scratch disk , rendering complex 3d objects or special effects , and saving huge blocks of data in record time - firewire 400 800及raid等量储存这个光速组合提供了您所需要的速度,让您可以快速畅顺地编辑视像设定photoshop暂存磁碟描绘复杂的3d物件或特殊效果以及录影时节省大量储存空间。
The idea and content of this paper are implementing automatic and semi - automatic video object segmentation via research work on key techniques and based on video object segmentation , building several applications such as video coding , video editing , video retrieval , video conference and video understanding , and give a prospect to the further research on this area 本文的研究思想和内容是通过对图像分割和视频跟踪等关键技术的研究,实现视频对象的自动分割和半自动分割,并在此基础上实现其在视频编码、编辑、检索,视频会议和视频理解等方面的应用。并在最后对这一领域的发展方向和前景做了展望。
For example if you have three 200 gb hard drives dedicated to md , each containing two 100 gb partitions , you can combine first partitions on all three disk into the raid0 fast 300 gb video editing partition and use the other three partitions 2 active and 1 spare for raid1 quite reliable 100 gb partition for 例如,您有三块200 gb的硬盘打算用于md ,没块包含两个100 gb的分区,您可以将三块硬盘上的第一组分区组成raid0高速的视频编辑分区,其余的三个分区2个活动1个备用用于raid1相当可靠的100 gb分区用于
For example , if you have three 200 gb hard drives dedicated to md , each containing two 100 gb partitions , you can combine the first partitions on all three disks into the raid0 fast 300 gb video editing partition and use the other three partitions 2 active and 1 spare for raid1 quite reliable 100 gb partition for 例如,您有三块200 gb的硬盘打算用于md ,每块包含两个100 gb的分区,您可以将三块硬盘上的第一组分区组成raid0高速的300 gb视频编辑分区,其余的三个分区2个活动1个备用用于raid1相当可靠的100 gb分区用于
The lighting - fast combination of firewire 400 800 and raid striping yields the speed you need for fast , smooth video editing , an extra - responsive photoshop scratch disk , rendering complex 3d objects or special effects , and saving huge blocks of data in record time . easy to set up , easy to use - firewire 400 800是一对超快组合,它能提供极快的速度,使您能快速流畅的编辑视频,获得响应时间极短的photoshop虚拟磁碟,渲染复杂的3d对象或特效,还能在最短时间内保存大块数据。
This paper analyzes the risks of intellectual property of audio & video service , including showing films in library , audio & video rental , inter - library loan , communication on networks , video edit , digital preservation , reproduction of sound or video recording and etc . in library , and puts forward some suggestions to avoid these risks 摘要文章分析了馆内放映、声像出租、馆际互借、网络传播、视频编辑、数字典藏、声像翻录等七类数字图书馆声像服务的知识产权风险并提出了相关的建议。