The bovine liver and highly vascularized chicken combs were selected as the models for hemangiomas 本实验的目的即是在检视此冷却系统合并铷雅铬雷射对动物模型及血管瘤作用的效能。
The bovine liver and highly vascularized chicken combs were selected as the models for hemangiomas 本实验的目的即是在检视此冷却系统合并铷雅铬激光对动物模型及血管瘤作用的效能。
The relationship of vascularized chorioangiomas and the size of the tumor to adverse pregnancy outcome is well recognized 肿瘤内血管化的程度与肿瘤的大小和怀孕不好的并发症有绝对的相关性。
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen hbo treatment on the repairment of rats spinal cord injury with vascularized peripheral nerve trunk autografred 高压氧与带血供周围神经移植修复鼠脊髓损伤的研究
Skeletal muscular transformation in osteogenetic process of bone defect repaired with compound vascularized muscle flap with bone morphogenetic protein 骨形态发生蛋白复合带血供肌瓣修复骨缺损成骨过程中骨骼肌的转归
Conclusion : the vascularized fibular transfer is a good method to reconstruct the forearm function with defects of bone resulting from injury or tumor 结论:吻合血管的腓骨移植为重建前臂因骨缺损而导致的功能障碍的较好方法。
Treatment of non - union of femoral fracture in aged patients by transplantation of vascularized fibula into medullary cavity with ni - ti - shaped memory alloy of embracing internal fixator 吻合血管腓骨髓腔内移植记忆合金环抱接骨器固定治疗老年人股骨干骨折不愈合
In contrast to white fat , brown fat is richly vascularized and has numerous unmyelinated nerves which provide sympathetic stimulation to the adipocytes 和白色脂肪组织比较起来,棕色组织有充分的血管浸润,而且有许多无髓鞘的神经提供交感神经对脂肪细胞的刺激。
The purpose of the current study was to examine retrospectively the outcomes and complications following allograft reconstruction salvage with onlay vascularized fibular grafts 本研究的目的是回顾性的观察带血管蒂腓骨移植在异体骨移植重建疗效与并发症的补救。
Durable immune tolerance supporting vascularized allotransplantation offers the possibility of extending graft survival and avoiding harmful complications of chronic immunosuppression 血管化的异体移植的持久的免疫耐受能够提高移植物的存活率,并避免慢性免疫抑制带来的不良并发症。