thoughtless adj. 1.无思想的。 2.轻率的;粗心的,缺乏考虑的。 3.不体贴人的,自私的。 Maybe it's thoughtless of me. 也许是我粗心了。 It's quite natural that a boy of nine is thoughtless of future. 九岁的小孩子当然不会考虑到将来的事。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
As we went , we continued telling each other about our plans for the future which , with the help of our thoughtlessness but especially our love , we saw in the rosiest of lights 我们又欢欢喜喜地回到布吉瓦尔去,继续商量今后的计划。由于我们无忧无虑,特别是我们情深似海,我们总觉得前景无限美好。
It is so easy to find suitable emblems that we must wonder at the thoughtlessness that occasionally prevails in our industrial arts with the very extravagant use of expressive decoration 在充斥着过多表达性修饰的工艺品中,不加思考的现象偶尔会占据主导地位,这样的符号也随处可见,这令我们感到奇怪。
It is so easy to find suitable dmblems that we must wonder at the thoughtlessness that occasionally prevails in our industrial arts with the very extravagant use of expressive decoration 这么容易就能够找到合理的解释以至于我们一定会对这种轻率感到惊讶,这种轻率表现在对于富有表现意义的装饰的滥用竟一时盛行于我们的工艺美术创作中。
Miss cathy - conversant with no bad deeds except her own slight acts of disobedience , injustice , and passion , rising from hot temper and thoughtlessness , and repented of on the day they were committed - was amazed at the blackness of spirit that could brood on and cover revenge for years , and deliberately prosecute its plans without a visitation of remorse 凯蒂小姐完全没接触过任何罪恶的行径,只有她自己因暴躁脾气或轻率而引起的不听话,误解,或发发脾气而已。而总是当天犯了,当天就会改过因此对于人的心灵深处能够盘算和隐藏报复心达好多年,而且一心要实现他的计划却毫无悔恨之念,这点使凯瑟琳大为惊奇。
thoughtlessnessとは意味:thoughtlessness n. 思いやりのなさ; 不注意. 【+動詞】 ◆Her thoughtlessness hurt me. 彼女の思いやりのなさに私は傷ついた ◆It was my thoughtlessness that led to this problem. この問題が起きたのは私が軽率だったからだ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆from mere thoughtlessness ほ...