These neurotoxins were found to activate the same receptor on sensory nerves that produces the burning sensation animals get from capsaicin , the " hot " ingredient in chilies 研究发现,这些毒素与辣椒素(使辣椒呈现红色的成分)使动物产生灼痛感一样,都是刺激感觉神经上相同的感受器。
According to this theory , it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce , but rather the different areas of the brain into which they discharge , and there is some evidence for this view 译文:根据这一理论,不是由感觉神经脉冲的质量来决定他们产生的各种神经感觉的,而是由他们被发射到大脑的哪一部位来决定的,对这一观点是有证据的。
Results the clinical features showed progressive muscle weakness in upper limb ; emg showed neurogenic changes , motor and sensory nerve conductive velocity was normal ; nerve repetetive stimulation showed decreased response ; muscle histochemistry revealed neurogenic findings ; ultra - eletronmicroscopy was not abnormal 结果该例患者表现为进行性肌肉力弱,肌电图显示神经源性损害,神经重复刺激检查示波幅下降,肌肉病理显示小簇状肌肉萎缩,电镜下除极少数肌纤维膜溶解外其他未见特殊。