remain vi. 1.剩余,剩下;遗留,留下;活着(未死)。 2.逗留(在某处) (in; at; with)。 3.搁着不动,搁置;尚待…;留待…;依然,仍然…;继续存在,现存。 4.终属,归于 (with)。 This remained over from yesterday's dinner. 这是昨天晚饭吃剩的。 I remained three weeks in Paris. 我在巴黎逗留了三个星期。 She remains unmarried. 她仍然没有结婚。 Much [Little] nowremains to be done. 还有许多事[没有什么事]待做。 I remain yours truly [sincerely, etc.] 你永远忠实的,谨上〔信尾客套话〕。 It remains to be proved that.... (…) 尚待证明。 Nothing remains but to... 只要…就行了(Nothing remains but to draw the moral. 只要引出其中的教训就行了)。 remain abroad 滞留在国外。 remain at home 留在家里,留在国内。 remain at one's post 留在岗位上。 remain faithful 保持忠诚。 remain with 在…的权限内,在…的手里,属于,归于,终属。 n. 〔常 pl.〕 1.剩余物;遗物,遗迹;余额。 2.残余人物;遗嘱。 3.遗体,遗骨。 4.遗稿。 5.遗风。 6.【古生物学】化石。 the remains [a remain] of a temple 一座寺庙的遗迹。 the remains of an army 残兵败将;残部。
firm adj. 1.坚固的,坚牢的;稳固的。 2.坚定的,坚决的。 3.【商业】固定的 (opp. optional) (货币)坚挺的(opp. easy, weak 疲软),稳定的;(金融等)紧缩的。 firm belief 确信。 firm friendship 牢不可破的友谊。 firm ground 陆地。 firm step 坚定的步伐。 as firm as a rock 坚如磐石。 be firm on one's legs 站稳。 be on firm ground 脚踏实地;在稳固的基础上。 adv. 稳固地,坚定地。 hold firm 固守。 stand firm 站稳。 vt.,vi. 使(变)坚固,使(变)坚实、使(变)稳定。 n. 1.商号,商行;公司。 2.工作集体〔如一组医生〕。 trading firms 商行。 a printing firm 印刷公司。 a long firm 〔英国〕(骗取货物而不付钱的)滑头商号。
We are different to how outsiders imagine us : remaining firm in our ideological orientation , but very flexible 我们与局外人想象的我们是不同的:我们不拘泥于意识形态的方向,我们是灵活的。
In the meantime , demand for health services , provisions for the elderly and other social services are likely to remain firm 与此同时,社会上对医疗、老人服务以及其他社会福利的需求仍然殷切。
Where parts fitted together they did so effortlessly , and in most cases remained firm without recourse to gluing 他们轻而易举的就使各部分很好的接合在一起,而且大部分情况下接合牢固,无须胶水。
In the us , although the manufacturing sector had shown signs of weakness , indicators of consumer spending and investment remained firm 美国方面,尽管制造业呈现疲弱,但有关消费支出及投资的经济指标维持稳健。
On the downside , it will be hard for us bonds to rally much below the 4 . 9 % to 5 % zone as global growth remains firm 而在下限方面,美国国债价格反弹到比4 . 9 %到5 %更低的区域也是十分困难的,因为全球的增长仍旧比较稳固。
With wage income up almost 3 % in real terms , spending will remain firm and the economy will rebound from its third - quarter lull 随着实际工资收入差不多增长3 % ,消费将会保持坚挺,经济也将会从第三季度的暂时滞顿反弹回来。
I remain firm in my belief that the price we need to pay for maintaining the link is still the smallest compared to that for any other currency arrangements 我坚信,维持联系汇率虽然要付代价,但其他选择的代价只会更大。这也不独是我个人的看法。
I remain firm in my belief that the price we need to pay for maintaining the link is still the smallest compared to that for any other currency arrangements 我坚信,维持联系汇率虽然要付代价,但其他选择的代价只会更大。这也不独是我个人的看法。
But as long as our hearts remain firm , as long as we are not swayed in our faith , there is no hardship we cannot overcome , there is no ordeal that we cannot break - through 但只要我们有坚定的信心,没有任何动摇,就没有不能克服的困难,没有不能跨越的考验。
At that time our father insisted on a delay of a year , and now six months , half of the period specified , is over , and i remain firmer than ever in my resolution “那时候父亲给我一年的期限,眼看过了六个月,规定的期限满了一半,我现在比任何时候都更坚定了。