
remain firm中文是什么意思

  • 仍然很坚决



  • 例句与用法
  • We are different to how outsiders imagine us : remaining firm in our ideological orientation , but very flexible
  • In the meantime , demand for health services , provisions for the elderly and other social services are likely to remain firm
  • Where parts fitted together they did so effortlessly , and in most cases remained firm without recourse to gluing
  • In the us , although the manufacturing sector had shown signs of weakness , indicators of consumer spending and investment remained firm
  • On the downside , it will be hard for us bonds to rally much below the 4 . 9 % to 5 % zone as global growth remains firm
    而在下限方面,美国国债价格反弹到比4 . 9 %到5 %更低的区域也是十分困难的,因为全球的增长仍旧比较稳固。
  • With wage income up almost 3 % in real terms , spending will remain firm and the economy will rebound from its third - quarter lull
    随着实际工资收入差不多增长3 % ,消费将会保持坚挺,经济也将会从第三季度的暂时滞顿反弹回来。
  • I remain firm in my belief that the price we need to pay for maintaining the link is still the smallest compared to that for any other currency arrangements
  • I remain firm in my belief that the price we need to pay for maintaining the link is still the smallest compared to that for any other currency arrangements
  • But as long as our hearts remain firm , as long as we are not swayed in our faith , there is no hardship we cannot overcome , there is no ordeal that we cannot break - through
  • At that time our father insisted on a delay of a year , and now six months , half of the period specified , is over , and i remain firmer than ever in my resolution
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 英文解释
  • hold one''s ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and won''t give in!"

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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