There are also situational types wherein you are given scenarios , complete with animations , to test how practicable is your english in real - life situations 我们的测试中还有情景类的题目,给出一个特定的场景,配有动画,可以测试你在真实的现场交流中的英语水平。
Then , the example backs up the transaction log . in a real - life situation , you would have to perform a series of regular log backups . - back up the adventureworks database to new media set 在执行下一次数据备份前,每次更新都会增加丢失工作的风险,当工作丢失风险返回到零时,便开始了新一轮的工作丢失风险。
In the intermediate program , a psychological reconstruction session for those suffering from stress syndromes and a disaster simulation were presented , with an emphasis on practicing techniques in real - life situations 进阶训练的课程中,除著重实况模拟和熟悉技巧的运作之外,还加强了创伤压力症候群的心理重建以及灾难演习。
Translated into english , it means " whipping the fast ox " . without making any assumptions about who is the farmer and who is the ox , i found this saying very apt in describing real - life situations , and i thought i would share it with readers 这句话在内地工人之间颇流行,且不说当中暗喻谁是农夫谁是牛,但我觉得将它套到现实生活中非常精警,所以想跟大家分享。
The most important lesson they learned , however , was that new doors could be opened up only through daily , diligent meditation . the initiates experienced and put into action master s teachings in real - life situations , attaining spiritual growth in the process 其中最重要的是,每日精进打坐,才能创造新的生机他们从实际的工作中,体验师父的教理,并付诸实行,且从中得到了灵性上的成长。
This program which is tailored with a mix of management and techno - engineering disciplines is a reflection of the commitment of the university of south australia to help graduates apply their knowledge to real - life situations in industry 制造管理硕士,这门由南澳大学新发展出来、专门设计的课程专为在职之经理人或工程技术人员所设计开授,特别适合于具备技术与管理专业背景的人士,更能领导产业迈向高度竞争力的领域。
According to the real - life situation of china , for the purpose of rightly dealing the relations between school education and school examination , making school examination serving the object of school education indeed , we must refresh the examination concept , truly orientate school examination , perfect . the school examination statute father , as well as design and practice process , and keep optimizing the internal and external environment 根据我国的现实国情,要正确处理学校考试与学校教育的关系,使学校考试真正服务于学校教育健康发展的需要,就必须更新考试观念,准确定位学校考试,进一步健全学校考试法规和设计实施流程,不断优化内外环境。
On account of the 2 aspects that the relationship between school examination and school education can be divided into relations of intramural and external complications , this thesis takes the two ' s relation as the focused discussing topic . on the basis of summarily analyzing the connotation and category of school examination , as well as its status and effects in school education , this thesis theoretically probed the two ' s relation from intramural and external aspects , seeked the reforming effects , existing problems and reasons , moreover , bring forward the countermeasure that rightly treat with the two ' s relation based on the real - life situation of china 由于学校考试与学校教育的关系,可分为学校考试与学校教育内部及外部因素的关系两个方面,所以本文便以“二者关系”为中心论题,在概要探析学校考试的内涵、范畴及其在学校教育中的地位和作用的基础上,从内外两方面就“二者关系”进行了理论上的探讨,分析了我国学校考试的改革成效、现存问题及其形成原因,并从我国的现实国情出发,提出了如何正确处理“二者关系”的对策思考。