
real-life situation中文是什么意思

  • 现实生活环境



  • 例句与用法
  • There are also situational types wherein you are given scenarios , complete with animations , to test how practicable is your english in real - life situations
  • Then , the example backs up the transaction log . in a real - life situation , you would have to perform a series of regular log backups . - back up the adventureworks database to new media set
  • In the intermediate program , a psychological reconstruction session for those suffering from stress syndromes and a disaster simulation were presented , with an emphasis on practicing techniques in real - life situations
  • Translated into english , it means " whipping the fast ox " . without making any assumptions about who is the farmer and who is the ox , i found this saying very apt in describing real - life situations , and i thought i would share it with readers
  • The most important lesson they learned , however , was that new doors could be opened up only through daily , diligent meditation . the initiates experienced and put into action master s teachings in real - life situations , attaining spiritual growth in the process
  • This program which is tailored with a mix of management and techno - engineering disciplines is a reflection of the commitment of the university of south australia to help graduates apply their knowledge to real - life situations in industry
  • According to the real - life situation of china , for the purpose of rightly dealing the relations between school education and school examination , making school examination serving the object of school education indeed , we must refresh the examination concept , truly orientate school examination , perfect . the school examination statute father , as well as design and practice process , and keep optimizing the internal and external environment
  • On account of the 2 aspects that the relationship between school examination and school education can be divided into relations of intramural and external complications , this thesis takes the two ' s relation as the focused discussing topic . on the basis of summarily analyzing the connotation and category of school examination , as well as its status and effects in school education , this thesis theoretically probed the two ' s relation from intramural and external aspects , seeked the reforming effects , existing problems and reasons , moreover , bring forward the countermeasure that rightly treat with the two ' s relation based on the real - life situation of china
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real-life situation的中文翻译,real-life situation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译real-life situation,real-life situation的中文意思,real-life situation的中文real-life situation in Chinesereal-life situation的中文real-life situation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
