Milan - javier zanetti received a rapturous reception when he came on for recoba during inter ' s victory over empoli 在国际米兰战胜恩波利的比赛中,当哈维尔-萨内蒂换下雷科巴时,他收到了欢呼。
" i was once in the midst of a heated battle when one of my team mates let out a huge fart , causing me to burst out into rapturous laughter . "曾经在比赛中与对手打的难分难舍,队友放了个很大声的屁,让我当场笑场。
Pierre was watched with even more rapturous gladness by the boy with the slender neck in the laydown collar , who had been forgotten by all of them 这里还有一个被众人所遗忘从翻领里伸出细脖子的孩子,他也是那么兴高采烈十分激动地望着皮埃尔。
Wembley ' s first england game witnessed a feast of flair from the classy chelsea player , and there was rapturous applause on his substitution , having helped england into a one - nil lead 在代表英格兰在温布利的第一场比赛中,人们从这位杰出的切尔西球员身上享受到了一顿足球的豪华佳宴,在他被替换下场时他收到了观众经久不息的掌声,以感谢他帮助英格兰以1 : 0领先。
From the entrance hall , of which mr . collins pointed out , with a rapturous air , the fine proportion and finished ornaments , they followed the servants through an ante - chamber , to the room where lady catherine , her daughter , and mrs . jenkinson were sitting 进了穿堂,柯林斯先生就带着一副喜极欲狂的神气,指出这屋子的堂皇富丽,然后由佣人们带着客人走过前厅,来到咖苔琳夫人母女和姜金生太太的起坐间。
His daughter , princess ellen , lightly holding the folds of her gown , passed between the chairs , and the smile glowed more brightly than ever on her handsome face . pierre looked with rapturous , almost frightened eyes at this beautiful creature as she passed them 他的女儿名叫海伦的公爵小姐,用手轻轻地提起连衣裙褶,从椅子之间走出来,她那漂亮的脸盘上露出更愉快的微笑,当她从皮埃尔身旁走过时,皮埃尔惊喜地盯着这个美女。
Amy winehouse , whose battle with drugs has been played out in the full glare of tabloid publicity , performed twice to a rapturous reception and sir paul mccartney , in the press for his divorce battle with heather mills , celebrated his outstanding contribution award with a medley of hits 涉毒行为被小报频繁曝光的艾米?怀恩豪斯应邀两度登台;而忙着处理和希芙?米尔斯离婚事宜的保罗?麦卡特尼爵士则获得了"杰出贡献奖" ,并在当晚演出了自己的金曲联唱。
After discharging his conscience on that head , he proceeded to inform them , with many rapturous expressions , of his happiness in having obtained the affection of their amiable neighbour , miss lucas , and then explained that it was merely with the view of enjoying her society that he had been so ready to close with their kind wish of seeing him again at longbourn , whither he hoped to be able to return on monday fortnight ; for lady catherine , he added , so heartily approved his marriage , that she wished it to take place as soon as possible , which he trusted would be an unanswerable argument with his amiable charlotte to name an early day for making him the happiest of men 他在这方面表示了歉意以后,便用了多少欢天喜地的措辞,告诉他们说,他已经有幸获得他们的芳邻卢卡斯小姐的欢心了,他接着又说,为了要去看看他的心上人,他可以趁便来看看他们,免得辜负他们善意的期望,希望能在两个礼拜以后的星期一到达浪博恩他又说,珈苔琳夫人衷心地赞成他赶快结婚,并且希望愈早愈好,他相信他那位心上人夏绿蒂决不会反对及早定出佳期,使他成为天下最幸福的人。
But suddenly a storm came on , chromatic scales and chords with the diminishing sevenths could be heard in the orchestra , and they all ran off , dragging one of the performers again behind the scenes , and the curtain dropped . again a fearful uproar of applause arose among the spectators , and all began screaming with rapturous faces 但是忽然刮起了一阵暴风,管弦乐队中响起了半音音阶和降低的七度音和弦,大家都奔跑起来,又把在场的一人拖到了后台,幕落了,观众之间又出现了可怕的喧嚣声和噼啪声,大家的脸上都带着洋洋得意的神情,开始呼喊起来。
rapturousとは意味:{形} : 有頂天{うちょうてん}の、うっとりした◆rapturous は、気が遠くなるほど幸福である様子を表すが、ecstatic ほど一般的には使われない。ごく一般的に使われる類義語に happy(幸せな)や joyful(喜びに満ちた)、blissful(幸せな)がある。ただしこれらには ecstatic ほどの強烈さはない。 She felt rapturous on her weddin...