purview n. 1.(法令等的)范围,界限;应用范围,权限。 2.视界,眼界。 3.【法律】要项,条项 (opp. preamble)。 fall within the purview of Art. (1) 该按第(一)条办理。 within [outside] the purview of 在…的范围内[外]。
Signature homes is the residential leasing arm of sun hung kai properties and the largest purveyor of luxury residential accommodation in hong kong 新鸿基地产属下的signature homes为全港首屈一指的出租豪宅品牌,拥有全港最大出租豪宅物业组合。
From music the talk had declined to purveyors . boissier was the only person for sweetmeats and catherine for ices . mme chantereau , however , was all for latinville 卖易溶于口的糖果的只有布瓦西埃,供应冰淇淋的要数卡特琳店的好而尚特罗夫人却认为拉丁维尔的最好。
The water stood in my eyes to hear this avowal of his dependence ; just as if a royal eagle , chained to a perch , should be forced to entreat a sparrow to become its purveyor 听完他表示对别人的依赖,我不禁热泪盈眶。他仿佛是被链条锁在栖木上的一头巨鹰,竟不得不企求一只麻雀为它觅食。
During those years , it has been controlled , for the most part , by the broadcast networks , abc , nbc , and cbs , who have been the major purveyors of news , information , and entertainment 在那些年头中,电视绝大部分一直由abc 、 nbc 、 cbs这些广播电视公司控制着,这些广播电视公司一直是新闻、信息和娱乐的主要提供者。
Popular characterizations of the computer alternate between the old images of the computer as omniscient , cold - blooded , giant calculator , and the new image of the computer as purveyor of video thrills and 25 cent fixes 公众对电脑的观念已由当初的冷血万能的超级计算器,转变为融合了四分之一电视血统的后续替代品。
But there are many others who work behind the scenes : salad - makers and bakers , chef and pot washers , cooks and food purveyors equal or outnumber those employees whom the customer meets 但是饭店还有很多其他人在幕后工作:调色拉师和面包师、厨师长和洗碗工、厨师和采购员,这些人的人数有时和顾客能看到的雇员的人数相同,有时甚至还要多。
The group s luxury residential leasing arm - is the leading purveyor of luxury residential accommodation in hong kong . its deluxe properties include coveted locales such as hong kong s mid - levels and extend to island south 为集团旗下豪宅的租务代理,亦是本港出租优质豪宅的主要供应者,所负责的物业坐落全港最尊贵地段,包括港岛半山及南区等。
Redmond shares a centre spread in guinness 2007 with the proud purveyors of the world s stretchiest skin , narrowest waist and longest ear hair alongside a woman who can pop her eyeballs 11 millimetres 0 . 43 inches out of their sockets 与雷德蒙一同入选2007年吉尼斯世界纪录大全的还有世界上皮肤最具弹性的人腰最细的人耳毛最长的人,以及一名能将眼珠瞪出眼眶11毫米的妇女。
Redmond shares a centre spread in guinness 2007 with the proud purveyors of the world ' s stretchiest skin , narrowest waist and longest ear hair alongside a woman who can pop her eyeballs 11 millimetres 0 . 43 inches out of their sockets 与雷德蒙一同入选2007年吉尼斯世界纪录大全的还有世界上皮肤最具弹性的人腰最细的人耳毛最长的人,以及一名能将眼珠瞪出眼眶11毫米的妇女。
Redmond shares a centre read in gui e 2007 with the proud purveyors of the world ‘ s stretchiest skin , narrowest waist and longest ear hair alongside a woman who can pop her eyeballs 11 millimetres ( 0 . 43 inches ) out of their sockets 与雷德蒙一同入选2007年《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的还有世界上皮肤最具弹性的人、腰最细的人、耳毛最长的人,以及一名能将眼珠瞪出眼眶11毫米的妇女。
purveyorとは意味:purveyor n. 用達(ようたし)商人, まかない屋, 供給者. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a leading purveyor of video programming ビデオのプログラムの代表的な供給者 ◆a local purveyor 地元の用達商人 ◆a reliable purveyor of smoked salmon スモークサーモンの確かな用達商人. 【前置詞+】 ◆from ...