ponca n. 1.(pl. Ponca(s)) 2. 彭加人〔在内布拉斯加州和俄克拉荷马州保留地的美洲印第安人部落〕。 3. 彭加语。 adj. 彭加人的。
Juan ponce enrile , the defense minister , was asking him to join an uprising against marcos 国防部长胡安?庞斯?恩瑞尔请求他加入反抗马科斯的起义。
Several years ago , vel zquez returned to his native island and bought a new home and workshop in the dry southern part , near the city of ponce 数年前维拉兹盖兹回到他出生的岛上,买了一幢新的房子和工作室位在比较干燥的南方,接近庞赛城。