He spent his time philandering with the girls in the village 他把时间花在和村子里的姑娘们调情上了
Will hillary take revenge on her philandering husband by outperforming him in the oval office 庸俗的记者们争揭白宫炫丽外表后的内幕。
Do you think i'm going to let you hustle for wages while i philander in the regions of high art ” 你认为我会让你为薪金奔忙而我在高尚的艺术领域里追逐吗?
They're less prone to adultery than americans but more forgiving when their politicians philander 他们人比美国人少出轨,但当他们的政客拈花惹草时,他们比较宽容。
The film stars michael douglas as a philandering husband and glenn close as the crazed woman who stalks him 电影大腕麦克道格拉斯饰演一位玩弄女性的丈夫而格勒克雷斯扮演的是跟踪丈夫的疯狂女人。
A complete reversal of the typical japanese household, the father in this family is a timid, stingy house-husband while the mother is a philandering w . . 好一个摩登的爱生事家庭,一家四口,各有各的问题。细仔眼中,老豆??戆戆,终日煮.
A complete reversal of the typical japanese household, the father in this family is a timid, stingy house-husband while the mother is a philandering wife who enjoys her career as much as her love affairs 五个扑水的少年谈谈情跳跳舞竹中直人自导自演之作好一个摩登的爱生事家庭,一家四口,各有各的问题。
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders 接受一些不可能改变的事实,物价会涨,政客会玩弄权手段,你也会老;当你老时,你会幻想着你年轻时合理的物价,高贵的政客,孩子们对长辈的尊重。