outer adj. (superl.outermost) 1.外的,外部的,外面的;外侧的。 2.【哲学】客观外界的;物质的。 3.远离中心的。 one's outer garment 外衣。 the O- Bar 〔英国〕〔集合词〕(不属于王室律师的)普通律师。 the outer man 〔戏谑语〕(人的)外貌,风度;装束。 the outer world 外部世界,外界;世间。 n. 靶子环外的部分;环外命中。
skin n. 1.(人体的)皮,皮肤。 2.〔口语〕皮肉;肉体,性命。 3. 兽皮,(特指小牛、山羊等小动物的)皮革。 【解剖学】真皮。 4.皮制品,(装酒等的)皮囊。 5.(果实、葱等的)皮,壳;奶皮。 6.【航海】(叠起来的)帆的上部;(船体的)外板,壳板。 7.〔俚语〕骗子;〔美口〕吝啬鬼,小气鬼。 8.〔戏谑语〕人,家伙;马,〔尤指〕瘦马。 9.〔美俚〕〔pl.〕一套鼓〔尤指爵士乐队的〕。 10.〔美俚〕一美元。 the true [inner] skin 真皮。 green [raw, undressed] skin 生皮。 clean skins 〔澳大利亚〕无烙印的野牛。 a bad old skin 〔俚语〕老坏蛋。 be in sb.'s skin 变做某人。 (I would not be in your skin. 我无论如何不愿意是你)。 be no skin off sb.'s back [nose] 〔美口〕与某人无关;对某人没影响。 by [with] the skin of one's teeth 〔口语〕好容易才,幸而。 cast the skin 脱皮。 change one's skin 改变性格;作风等;改头换面,装出新的面貌。 fly [jump, leap] out of one's skin 惊喜若狂;大吃一惊。 get off with a whole skin 平安脱险,安然无恙。 get under sb.'s skin 抓住某人的心;使某人高兴[发怒、厌烦]。 have a thick [thin] skin 感觉迟钝[敏锐];面皮厚[薄]。 in a bad skin 〔俚语〕情绪不好;发着脾气。 in [with] a whole skin 平安无事地。 in one's skin 〔戏谑语〕一丝不挂地。 save one's skin 平安逃脱,未受损伤。 skin and bone(s) (瘦得只剩)皮包骨。 wet(ted) to the skin 浑身湿透。 wear next to the skin 贴身穿着。 vt. (-nn-) 1.剥…的皮;削…的皮;使脱去贴身衣服;(拿皮)覆盖(伤口),使愈合 (over) 擦伤(皮)。 2.〔口语〕抢夺,骗取;(严厉)批评;责斥;〔美俚〕(比赛中)击败,胜过。 3.〔口语〕(用鞭)驱赶(牲口)。 a skinned rabbit 瘦鬼。 a skinned diamond 〔美国〕不长草的棒球场。 vi. 1.长皮 (over) (伤口)愈合,长出新皮。 2.〔美俚〕(考试等时)作弊,夹带。 3.〔口语〕攀爬 (up, down) 勉强挤过去 (by, through)。 4.〔俚语〕逃走,溜掉。 keep one's eyes skinned 〔口语〕把眼睛看牢,小心提防。 skin a flea for its hide (and tallow) 〔口语〕非常俭省。 skin a flint 非常吝啬。 skin a razor 做不可能的事情。 skin a wicked eye 〔美国〕不怀好意地盯着。 skin alive 〔美俚〕活剥;折磨;严责;使大败。 skin off 脱下(衣服等)。 skin out (猎狗)老远老远地乱跑。 skin the cat 两脚由双手间穿上去翻坐铁杆上。 skin the lamb 全赢,满贯。
The ovary wall remains fleshy after fertilization of the ovule except for the development of a thin outer skin 除了薄的外果皮的发育外,子房壁在胚珠受精后仍然保持肉质。
The exterior of the building has a crisp appearance , as though an outer skin were stretched tautly over the structure 这一建筑的外部有着清爽的外观,就像有一层“皮肤”紧绷在建筑上。
A series of nerve endings forms a circular pattern of neural swellings in a hub - and - spoke arrangement just below the outer skin surface 皮肤表层之下,一连串的神经末梢以轮毂与辐条的排列方式,形成环状的神经隆起。
Panel flutter is a classical supersonic aeroelastic phenomenon that is usually accompanied by temperature elevation on the outer skin of high - speed aerospace vehicles 壁板颤振是发生在高速飞行器上的一种典型的超音速气动弹性现象。
Scrub typhus is characterised by a large punch - out skin ulcer at the site of bite of an infected mite . nearby lymph nodes are also swollen and painful 丛林斑疹伤寒的特点,是在受感染的咬过的位置出现穿凿状皮肤溃疡,附近的淋巴腺亦会肿痛。
Mackerel steaks with out skin are packed in 100 grams net weight printed multy layer stand up pouches with vegetable oil and salt . self life 2 years at ambiant temperature 鲭鱼块与皮肤出被装入100克净重印刷多媒体层站立袋蔬菜油和盐.自寿命2年常温
This light , fast - absorbing lotion goes beyond moisturizing to help bring out skin ' s natural radiance by visibly evening out skin tone and texture in as little as 2 weeks 此特效轻柔的保湿乳液不但可滋润肌肤,更可使肌肤爽洁亮丽,焕发光彩达两周之久。
These dual - textured cleansing pads , moistened with foaming skin - conditioning cleansers and natural soy , help even out skin tone and texture for brighter , naturally radiant skin 这双层纹理的洁肤棉,由天然的黄豆精华和滋润的洁肤成分而成,能有效地清爽肌肤,淡化纹理,使面部肌肤回复光彩亮丽。
Rosemary leaf extract in irs14 stimulates the lipid of the outer skin and regenerates the skin ' s healthy cells . it restores the first protective barrier of skin and improves skin hydration Irs14中的迷迭香精华,能重建肌肤保护网刺激表皮的脂质,修护肌肤角质层,重建肌肤第一度防线,提高保湿效果及防止水份流失。
They are often occurred when the outer skin of the heel becomes rough , dry and hard . other causes may due to wearing open - backed shoes or sandals , prolonged standing on heeled shoes or walking on constricting footwear 因为每一个人每天都要走路,体重压在脚跟上,而脚跟又无时无刻在摩擦,加上本地气候干燥,脚皮生茧干裂的情形相当普遍。