If it could happen then by now a smaller side would have won the premiership via sheer tactical nous alone 如果可能的话,那么到如今一个小的俱乐部就应该已经仅仅通过纯粹的战术理念就获得英超冠军了。
Henri poincare " , , " la physique ne nous donne pas seulement l ' occasion de resoudre des problemes . . . elle nous fait pressentir la solution . " , 物理不仅仅给我们以解决问题的机会, … …而且还使我们预料到它的解.
Vous voulez que ch traduise votre texte honteux et indigne en fran ? ais afin que nous , les fran ? ais , rigolions un peu votre niveau de " culture " ? 您要咱把您羞辱无耻的文章翻译成法文好让咱们法国人也来嘲笑嘲笑您的文化水平?
Jose mourinho continues to buy the premier league title but rafa will continue to show his nous with whatever transfer funds he has 穆利尼奥还在继续用钱堆砌联赛冠军,但是拉法也将继续展示他的本事,无论他手头的转会资金是多少。
Pardon , madame / monsieur , nous ne pouvons pas r pondre votre question , veuillez contacter les services int ress s de la mairie de beijing 对不起,女士/先生,您提出的问题不在我们的服务范围内,请您与北京市政府相关部门联系。
Divorce , inheritance and busine nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 离婚、遗产继承和商业头脑使得越来越多的女性成为百万富翁,其增长速度为有钱男性的五倍。
Divorce , inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 离婚遗产继承和商业头脑使得越来越多的女性成为百万富翁,其增长速度为有钱男性的五倍。
Divorce , inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires , who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men 离婚、遗产继承和商业头脑使得越来越多的女性成为百万富翁,其增长速度为有钱男性的五倍。
that which is responsible for one''s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn''t get his words out of my head" 同义词:mind, head, brain, psyche,