
line of action中文是什么意思

  • 酌线
  • 作用力线
  • 作用线啮合线接触线



  • 例句与用法
  • Except when the needle points in the n - s direction , the two forces do not have the same line of action
    只要指南针不是指向n - s方向,这两个力就不在同一条作用线上。
  • Exaggerate the poses , push the lines of action in the body , and make the poses more dynamic and forceful
  • If pierre did not at once give his consent to being reunited to his wife , it was simply because in the despondent state into which he had lapsed , he was incapable of taking any line of action
  • When evaluating beautiful banner capital to flow into , the line of action that division wisdom group publicizes in is : one shi erdiao , already adequate capital gold , also improve the processing composition of the company at the same time
  • Taking into account thermal and non - newtonian effects of the lubricant , this paper has theoretically investigated elastohydrodynamic lubrication of involute spur gears , and achieved the pressure distribution , film shape , temperature distribution and the values of the friction coefficient and its varying law along the line of action of gear transmission
  • Basically see its setting whether accord with major of ministry of education to set a requirement to the evaluation of new major , the basis of professional setting and argumentation are sufficient , whether corresponding course is done rely on , whether does the line of action that does major newly , layout accord with school orientation , the education condition with do major newly to whether have better ( condition of experiment , exercitation , teacher , books data , the ) such as education file
    对新专业的评价主要看其设置是否符合教育部专业设置要求,专业设置的依据和论证是否明确充分,是否有相应学科做依托,新办专业的口径、布局是否符合学校定位,新办专业是否有较好的教学条件(实验、实习条件,教师,图书资料,教学文件等) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In physics, the line of action of a force F expresses the geometry of how F is applied. It is the line through the point at which F is applied and along the direction in which F is applied.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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