happy adj. 1.幸福的,幸运的。 2.快乐的,愉快的。 3.感到满足的。 4.巧妙的,恰当的;可喜的。 5.〔口语〕有点醉意的,飘飘然的;兴奋的。 6.〔常用以构成复合词〕喜欢…的;爱用…的,热衷于…的。 a happy union 幸福的结合[婚姻]。 He is as happy as happy can be. 他再幸福没有了。 a happy choice 恰当的选择。 a happy event 可喜的事。 a happy idea 好主意,高见。 a happy translation 巧译,妙译。 trigger-happy 动不动爱扳枪机的;好斗的。 power-happy 权迷心窃的。 statistic-happy 热衷于统计数字的。 as happy as the day is long = as happy as a clam [king, lark] 非常幸福,非常快乐。 be happy in (幸好)有… (I was once happy in a son. 我也有过一个男孩子,可是…)。 be happy in one's expressions 妙语如珠,谈笑风生。 be happy in one's own degeneration 自甘堕落。 be happy together (夫妇)和睦相处。 by a happy chance 恰巧,正巧;顺顺当当。 hit [strike] the happy mean [medium] 采取中庸之道,折衷。
Most women are bored with , and cynical about , the well - trodden path of romantic fiction . they do not like happy endings and would rather read a thriller or crime novel 如今的英国女性读者早已厌倦了写法老套的言情小说,她们不再喜欢言情小说的圆满结局,而更情愿看一本恐怖或犯罪小说。
Forget the romantic novel . most women are bored with , and cynical about , the well - trodden path of romantic fiction . they do not like happy endings and would rather read a thriller or crime novel 如今的英国女性读者早已厌倦了写法老套的言情小说,她们不再喜欢言情小说的圆满结局,而更情愿看一本恐怖或犯罪小说。
Fictions about genius and beauty during ming and qing dynasties are almost of happy endings with grading the candidates in the imperial examinations and getting marriage by order of the parents , but lack of the tragedy spirits 摘要明清时期的才子佳人小说几乎都是以科举及第、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,缺乏悲剧精神。
Most women are bored with , and cynical about , the well - trodden path of romantic fiction . they do not like happy endings and would rather read a thriller or crime novel . but their literary idol is still mr darcy , the haughty hero of jane austen ' s pride and prejudice 据每日电讯报4月13日报道,英国妇女与家庭杂志对1500名年龄在35岁至59岁以已婚女性为主的职业女性进行了调查。