
golden state warriors中文是什么意思

  • 费城勇士队
  • 金州勇士的
  • 金州勇士队
  • 旧金山勇士队
  • 三藩市勇士
  • 勇士



  • 例句与用法
  • Rico hines played at ucla from 1997 - 2001 . after working personally with players such as baron davis and trevor ariza , he is now a trainer with the golden state warriors
  • If the clippers win on tuesday and the lakers on thursday , the laker magic number over both the clippers and golden state warriors would be one . . . the hornets eliminated
  • Oakland , calif . , dec . 15 ( ticker ) - - rookie luther head and yao ming gave the houston rockets the kind of lift down the stretch that the golden state warriors certainly could have used
    加州,奥克兰, 12 . 15号- -新秀卢瑟.海德和姚明给了休斯敦火箭队一种金州勇士曾经用过的拿下比赛的力量。
  • Tracy mcgrady wasn ' t in the building friday , but the houston rockets stayed hot in february , even without their best player , defeating the visiting golden state warriors 91 - 88 at toyota center
    在周五的比赛中,虽然火箭失去了自己核心球员? ?麦迪的帮助,他们仍然在丰田中心以91 - 88击败了来访的金州勇士队。
  • They also have a home - and - home against the golden state warriors on consecutive nights . that won ' t be simple either on the back end of a four game in five night stint
  • The lakers then head back home to face the golden state warriors ( 12 / 9 ) for the first time since the warriors shocked the basketball world by defeating the number one seeded dallas mavericks in the first round of last year ' s playoffs
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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