
get down中文是什么意思

  • (从…)下来;写下;使沮丧
  • 从…下来,写下来,记下来,病了/使某人不安
  • 从…下来;下车;写下
  • 从…下来;着手进行;写下
  • 记下来,打下来,落下
  • 降下;下来;取下;吞下;使沮丧
  • 趴下
  • 取下(物品)
  • 下来, 吞下, 写下, 使沮丧
  • 下来,落下,记下来
  • 下来,写,记下
  • 下来;落下;把......取下来
  • 下来;取下;记下;(使)沮丧
  • 写下,从……下来
  • 写下,记下
  • 咽下
  • 着手进行



  • 例句与用法
  • After a few words of courtesy , they got down to business .
  • Al got down from his stool .
  • It does not matter at all . we will get down to business tomorrow .
  • Even if i could get word to her, how could she get down here ?
  • She and her nurses got down on their knees and scrubbed floors and walls .
  • It began to rain. he stopped the car and got down to put up the hood .
  • This is not something that can be skated over-let's get down to brass tacks .
  • By the time your father got down the hill, his brother was nothing but blood and pulp .
  • We all agreed on our basic aims , but when we got down to specifics it became more complicated .
  • "look! you'll never finish that job unless you forget everything else and get down to it. "
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • take the first step or steps in carrying out an action; "We began working at dawn"; "Who will start?"; "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"; "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"; "He began early in the day"; "Let''s get down to work now"
    同义词:begin, get, start out, start, set about, set out, commence,

  • put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
    同义词:write down, set down, put down,

  • pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; "Swallow the raw fish--it won''t kill you!"

  • lower someone''s spirits; make downhearted; "These news depressed her"; "The bad state of her child''s health demoralizes her"
    同义词:depress, deject, cast down, dismay, dispirit, demoralize, demoralise,

  • alight from (a horse)
    同义词:unhorse, dismount, light, get off,

  • move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf"
    同义词:lower, take down, let down, bring down,

  • lower (one''s body) as by kneeling; "Get down on your knees!"

  • 其他语种释义
  • get downとは意味:{句動-1} : 下げる、(乗り物などから)降りる、降ろす、着地{ちゃくち}する Get down from there before you fall. 落ちる前にそこから降りなさい。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ダンスをする◆【類】boogie...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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