
formal logic中文是什么意思

  • 形式逻辑



  • 例句与用法
  • There have been many different methods of art classification in the history , but most of them were resulted from the thinking pattern of formal logic
  • Materialist dialectics and sophisticated essential distinction are the most brillant sophisticated often reflect the paradox in formal logic , it used the field that modern science cannot define
  • There are three kinds of meanings of legal reasoning being commonly used . first , legal reasoning is the use of formal logic reasoning in law . second , legal reasoning is the reasoning of the norms of the laws
  • The formation of contract can be made a two - layer structure by the way of formal logic , which not only indicates respective meaning of the pro forma formation and valid formation of contract , but also helps to understand it deeply
  • In this paper , three kinds of logic languages used in analyzing cryptographic protocols are primarily introduced , and studied in their advantages and weakness . combing the advantages , a new formal logic language is put forward to analyze electronic commerce protocols
  • So in mathematic teaching of the middle school , the teachers must pay alien lion to lnatlieinalic thinking process teaching , behaves that teachers ignore oppress students " thinking process of mathematic ; some teachers adopt the in pouring teaching arid the tactics of many as apperceiving and reagnition . moreover , some teachers regard the thinking of mathematic as formal logic thinking . so ignore dialectic and developmental thinking from holistic understanding to problem
  • By the study of general feature of object - oriented technology and the reference of the result of object - oriented formal logic analysis , we give a set of object - oriented metric standards , which are performed well and in different level ( class level and system level ) . finally we implement a visual object - oriented analysis auxiliary tool . the tool can support persistent object in object - oriented system and the alalysis of relation between objects
  • " advance circularly " which claims the inherent unity between formal logic and dialectical logic ; " centralize properly " which emphasizes the construction of the knowledge structure ; " speaking follows doing " , which focuses on the construction of learners " mathematics image ; " students collaborate with teachers " , which attaches importance to the development of the " bi - body " ( learner and teacher )
    探讨了gx学习观的特征: “循环上升” ? ?主张辩证逻辑与形式逻辑相统一; “适当集中” ? ?注重知识结构的形成; “先做后说” ? ?重视学习主体数学意象构建; “师生共作” ? ?强调“双主体”共同发展。
  • This essay is intended to analyze and clarify the relationship between kant ' s transcendental logic and the formal logic , by pointing out that kant appeared to elicit the categories of the transcendental logic from the judgements of the formal logic , but actually he laid a foundation for the latter by virtue of the categories of the transcendental logic , basing the formal logic on the initiative of the perceiver and making it " epistemologized "
  • This paper is an academic thesis about remote sensing information model and geographical mathematics . the author have studied a lot of remote sensing information models and geographical image information models . according to geographical regularity the author advance non - linear mathematics method which is geographical complex phenomena both of certainty and uncertainty to combine in an equation . that is from formal logic inferring to dialectical logic calculation . moreover , it is from abstract thinking to both of abstract and visualized thinking , which is image joining equation calculated . make a suggestion that the geographical parameters are different from the physics variables . thus initiate based on geographical science for mathematics . there are 4 parts as follows in this paper : the regularity of geographical phenomena ; general equation of remote sensing information model ; geographical parameters and geographical indexes ; significance of geographical image information models
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  • 英文解释
  • any logical system that abstracts the form of statements away from their content in order to establish abstract criteria of consistency and validity
    同义词:symbolic logic, mathematical logic,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
formal logic的中文翻译,formal logic是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译formal logic,formal logic的中文意思,formal logic的中文formal logic in Chineseformal logic的中文formal logic怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
