Cha - ha - mu aboriginal park and the museum of aboriginal culture were origionated from the aboriginal people - zhou race looking for their roots and developed their aboriginal culture . there are a square for aboriginal songs and dances , aboriginal stone and wooden sculpture , a flagstone stage and a watchtower 札哈木原住民公园起源于2002年邹族回府城寻根,并为发扬原住民文化所设立,公园内除有原住民歌舞祭文化广场、原住民艺术石景、木雕、石板屋司令台、了望台外,还有具邹族特色的凉亭库巴。
They all seem to look alike ( though they come from all over ) ? lean , pointed , dedicated faces , wearing jeans and sandals , eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing ? room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10 30 a . m 译文他们长相一样(尽管他们来自四面八方) ? ?瘦削、专注的面孔,穿着牛仔服和凉鞋,啃着面包,在剧院外的石板台阶上席地而卧,等着购买20张坐票和80张站票,这些戏票是剧院会为席地而卧的人预备,并在早晨10 30向他们出售。
They all seem to look alike ( though they come from all over ) ? lean , pointed , dedicated faces , wearing jeans and sandals , eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing ? room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10 30 a . m 他们长相一样(尽管他们来自四面八方) ? ?瘦削、专注的面孔,穿着牛仔服和凉鞋,啃着面包,在剧院外的石板台阶上席地而卧,等着购买20张坐票和80张站票,这些戏票是剧院会为席地而卧的人预备,并在早晨10 30向他们出售。
They all seem to look alike ( though they come from all over ) ? lean , pointed , dedicated faces , wearing jeans and sandals , eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing - room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10 : 30 a . m 他们长相似乎都差不多(尽管他们来自四面八方) ? ?长着瘦削,专注的面孔,穿着牛仔服和凉鞋,啃着面包,在剧院外的石板台阶上席地而卧,等着购买20张坐票和80张站票,这些戏票是剧院会专为席地而卧的人预备的,并在上午10 : 30售票窗口开门时向他们出售