

  • n. 逐出,赶出( eviction的名词复数 )



  • 例句与用法
  • Soft references, like weak references, can help applications prevent object loitering by enlisting the aid of the garbage collector in making cache eviction decisions
  • Petitioner issues were increasingly considered suspect by the government, and petitioner leader ye guozhu was arrested in august while seeking permission to hold a 10, 000-person rally against forced eviction
  • Despite an eviction order, offers of compensation and the chasm that has opened up around his home, the 51-year-old restaurateur is holding his ground in an increasingly high-profile challenge to the authorities
  • He is fighting an eviction order in court . neighbors told bild the screams and singing that are part of the family prayers in the second storey sometimes begin at 2 : 30 a . m . and can be heard all the way up to the fifth floor
  • Shanghai has responded with measures to quell property speculation by restricting pre-sales of apartments, raising developers'equity in projects, reducing land supply and stopping wholesale evictions
  • Cases where a forced eviction takes place as a result of a house or a private tenement being rendered uninhabitable by a natural occurrence may qualify for assistance provided that compensation has not been provided by the landlord
  • The head of the group says organizers can, and should, stage major events such as the olympics without evictions, criminalizing homelessness, or making housing unaffordable for people living nearby
  • The head of the group says organizers can, and should, stage major events such as the olympics without evictions, criminalizing homelessness, or making housing unaffordable for people living nearby
  • Berlin reuters-a seven-member family faces eviction from an east berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night, a german newspaper said thursday
  • Berlin ( reuters )-a seven-member family faces eviction from an east berlin apartment tower after neighbors complained about loud prayer sessions that keep the whole building awake at night, a german newspaper said thursday
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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