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  • 例句与用法
  • Captured 18 awards acorss the globe , including : 8 " best film " 3 " best director " 7 " most favorite film by audience " 28 " top 10 film of the year
  • Speaking upon arrival in durban for the first leg of the club ' s south africa tour , sir alex confirmed that the 24 - year - old pole should become the reds ' first signing of the close season
  • Sir alex ferguson ' s side will face orlando pirates ( durban , july 15 ) , kaizer chiefs ( cape town , july 18 ) and the winner of a pirates / chiefs playoff in pretoria on july 22
    弗格森爵士将会挑战奥兰多海盗( 7月15日德班) 、凯撒酋长(开普敦7月18日) 。以及这两支球队之间比赛的胜者。决赛7月22日在比勒陀利亚举行。
  • The disciples from durban informed us that there were a number of congolese refugee brothers awaiting initiation and we knew that this would be a great blessing from master for that war - torn part of the world
  • The largest city of south africa , in the northeast part of the country northwest of durban . founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby , it is a major industrial center . population , 703 , 980
    约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703 , 980
  • After we put up hundreds of large posters of master on the streets of durban , the whole city became very beautiful and people gathered around them . they asked us questions such as , " is she a queen ?
  • Receipt from rev . dirk ficca , executive director of the council for the parliament of the world s religions , acknowledging master s 100 , 000 rand us 16 , 666 contribution to the next generation of durban , south africa . appendix d
    此外,师父从一位同修得知约翰尼斯堡的kids haven孤儿院需要赞助,师父也立刻指示捐款美金20 , 100给这孤儿院附件d 。
  • The fan , a young woman working at the airport in the south african coastal city of durban , met popular film star abhishek bachchan as he prepared to fly to india recently , the times of india daily reported
  • The fan , a young woman working at the airport in the south african coastal city of durban , met popular film star abhishek bachchan as he prepared to fly to india recently , the times of india daily reported
  • Thousands of people in durban attended the lecture . the main lecture hall and two additional halls were filled to capacity and the working team had to arrange three video projectors for the audience members who could not fit into the main lecture hall
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