Thousands of students live in large dormitories 成千上万的学生住在大宿舍里。 Most of our students live in the school s dormitories 大多数学生都住在学校宿舍。 Exploring the styles of the college students dormitories 我国高校学生宿舍模式探讨 Analysis of the group psychology in university dormitory 大学生宿舍的群体心理分析 Temporary offices and dormitories on construction sites 建设工地临时性办公室宿舍 I ' ve put him in the small dormitory for the present 目前我让他住在这个小宿舍里。 How many students / people of you share one dormitory 你们多少人住一个宿舍。 The rock music blared from their dormitory 从他们宿舍中传来了摇滚乐的吼叫声 Allowed in dormitory civil strife widening chaos wiring 不准在寝室内乱拉乱接电线。 New trend of student dormitory design of higher institutions 高校学生宿舍设计的新趋势
dormitoriesとは意味 :{名-1} : 寮、学生寮{がくせい りょう}、寄宿舎{きしゅくしゃ} The dormitory was too small for so many people. 寄宿舎は小さ過ぎてそんなに多くの人は入らなかった。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : ベ...