deficiency葡糖醛酸转移酶缺乏 deficiency of glucuronosyltransferase glucuronyltransferase
Often one variety has many desirable traits but is deficient in one or two major respects . 某一品种常具有许多大家希望的性状,但在一两个主要方面有缺陷。
Persons who are deficient in t cell functions, however, tend to succumb to infections by fungi and viruses . 缺乏T细胞功能的人,对于真菌和病毒感染缺乏抵抗力。
He was something of a humorist, and rather deficient in general education; but acute, patient, and upright . 他带几分幽默感,却缺少教养;可是他灵敏,有耐心,为人正直。
Diabetes insipidus results from a deficient secretion of release of the antidiuretic or hormone by the neurohypohysis . 尿崩症是由于神经垂体缺乏分泌或释放抗利尿激素所致。
In acquired politeness of manners, when it happened that she mingled a little in society, mrs. butler was, of course, judged deficient . 巴特勒夫人偶尔参加交际活动,在礼仪或客套方面,她诚然有些欠缺。
The logical basis for the theory of the integers that euclid presented in books vii to ix of the "elements" was woefully deficient . 欧几里德在《原本》的第七到第九册中提出的整数理论的逻辑基础是十分令人遗憾地有缺陷的。
Phenylketonuria is a condition in which phenylalanine to tyrosine conversion is diminished because the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylaze is deficient . 苯丙酮酸尿症是一种由于苯丙氨酸羟化酶缺乏,苯丙氨酸转变成酪氨酸的过程被削弱的病。
Record of lost or deficient stores written - off gf 190 遗失或盘亏物料注销记录
Often is found deficient in women and children 女性和小孩较常有缺乏的现象。
The agricultural commodities were deficient that year 那年的农业产品不足。
of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds" 同义词:insufficient,
inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" 同义词:lacking, wanting,
falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing" 同义词:inferior, substandard,
deficientとは意味:deficient adj. 乏しい. 【副詞】 ◆be mentally deficient 精神薄弱である ◆She is miserably deficient in judgment. みじめなほど判断力がない ◆By his standards I am morally deficient. 彼の基準では私は道徳観念がない ◆He found himself sadly deficien...