To understand intangible heritage from cultural capital scope is to be provided with important significance in theory and in reality 从“文化资本”这个角度去考察非物质文化遗产具有重大的理论与现实意义。
Galway the cultural capital of ireland is a cosmopolitan centre of musical , theatrical , and festival activity throughout the year 作为爱尔兰的文化中心高威是个世界性的音乐戏剧集中地,更有长年的节日活动。
They present the new idea of the cultural capital that is by improving the enterprise personnel ' s overall quality to promote the enterprise culture 针对性地提出了文化资本的新观念,即通过提高企业人员的整体素质来提升企业文化。
As the " reigning classicaljazz violinist " of that ultimate cultural capital , and has collaborated with names such as betty buckley , steve coleman , joe jackson and wayne shorter 高士达曾为谭盾的金像奖作品《卧虎藏龙》 ,以及《交响协奏曲:水乐》担任敲击乐独奏。
Professional training , reasonable practice environment and the " social - cultural capital " of a society that suits the system are the basic conditions that any profession needs 任何一个专业要能建立其专业存在的正当性、合法性,专业教育、制度面保障,以及社会文化资本与论述三个层面,缺一不可。
And the accumulative mechanism composed of market , power and education determines the diversity of number , quality and consuming perfection of cultural capital , which exist in members of middle class 市场、权力和教育三个不同层面的积累机制决定了中产阶级成员内部存在的文化资本数量、品位、消费偏好等差异。
Cultural capital means a total of cultural resources including cultural ability , habits , power and products , and its accumulation features subjectivity , continuity and hazardousness 摘要作为文化能力、文化习性、文化权力、文化产品在内的文化资源的总和,文化资本的积累具有独特主体性、持续过程性和潜在风险性等特征。
In more than 1500 years of verified history , the bible in chinese version has developed into much powerful cultural capital which has since been integrated with the traditional chinese culture 在有据可考的一千五百多年的历史中, 《圣经》汉译已经形成为强大的文化资本,进而以文化资本的形式与中国固有的传统文化共生、相融。
An analysis of the bible in the form of chinese cultural capital offers a new perspective to the studies of the bible in chinese version , and a good understanding of its social background 透过《圣经》汉译文化资本化的分析,可以为《圣经》汉译的研究提供一个全新的理论视角,并对《圣经》汉译这一特殊的社会现象有一个更为深刻的认识。
It is also proved that familial cultural capital plays a more important role than economical capital in affecting the filial educational attainment , especially to the filial higher educational attainment 另外,家庭文化资本对子女高等教育机会获得的影响明显大于家庭经济资本,而家庭文化资本对子女中等教育机会获得的影响略大于家庭经济资本。
The term cultural capital refers to non-financial social assets that promote social mobility beyond economic means. Examples can include education, intellect, style of speech, dress, and even physical appearance, et cetera.