contendingly contendingly ; adv. ; contend的变形 ; contend ; [k?n'tend] ; vi. ; 搏斗,争斗;抗争: ; They have to contend against draught every year. ; 他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。 ; 竞争,争夺: ; Sixteen football teams are contending for the World Cup this year. ; 今年有16个足球队争夺世界杯。 ; 争论,争辩,辩论,据理力争: ; They fell to contending about the least important points in the design. ; 他们开始为设计中的鸡毛蒜皮的小问题争辩起来。 ; vt. ; 主张;声称;坚决认为,坚信;断言: ; 主张;声称;坚决认为,坚信;断言: ; The boy contended that he saw a ghost. ; 这个男孩硬说他看见了鬼。 ; 短语: ; contending passions ; 矛盾的心情,互相抵触的情绪
Economics must still contend with scarcity as a basic fact of life . 经济学仍然必须和稀缺相周旋,把稀缺当作生活中一种基本的事实。
Both of these seem to have contended which should bless and enrich him most . 这两者似乎在比赛,看谁为他降福更多,谁使他受惠更深。
Hume contended that only knowledge obtained by mathematical reasoning was certain . 休漠主张,只有经过数学推理获得的知识才是可靠的。
I have had to contend against the unkindness of his sister and the insolence of his mother . 我必须与他姐姐的冷酷和他母亲的专横抗争。
The historicist contends that the experimental method cannot be applied to the social sciences . 历史决定论者争辩说,实验的方法不能应用于社会科学。
During february the workmen had to contend with a sheet of water which made its way right through the outer soil . 二月间,工人们和地壳里渗出的泉水,展开了斗争。
Borders have swayed back and forth throughout history with the ambition and power of the contending parties . 历史上随着角逐集团的野心和势力的消长,边界一直变动不居。
The utilities contend that this reduced capacity will result in curtailed service and higher prices some years down the road . 公共车业公司强烈认为生产能力的这种降低将造成今后几年服务的削减和价格的提高。
Sihanouk might emerge in an important, perhaps decisive, role as a link between contending forces and as their balancer . 西哈努克就有可能作为两个对立势力之间的联结人和平衡者发挥重要的,也许是决定性的作用。