
chamber pressure中文是什么意思

  • 混炼室压力
  • 燃烧室压力
  • 膛压



  • 例句与用法
  • A graph of temperature against time also shows the plot of the chamber pressure throughout the experiment
  • Air braking systems - pressure vessels - part 1 : measures of welded steel and aluminium single chamber pressure vessels
  • The pressure can now be controlled by the new linkam vc94 motorized valve . simply type a chamber pressure and observe the new stable vacuum in less than a minute
  • The research of propellant energy performance indicates that the special impulse and characteristic velocity are significantly depended on o / f ratio and weakly depended on chamber pressure
  • During the course of developing and using high ballistic performance artillery with high exit velocity , high chamber pressure and high loading density , there were many accidents of breech blow
  • Among these three measures , notwithstanding the pressure regulation for the working face or the air chamber pressure regulation failed , the measure of filling the surface crannies will play a very important role
  • For more than a hundred years , the method of plastic deformation for measuring pressures has been the main means to test the chamber pressure of conventional weapons because of its advantages of reliability , convenience and low price
  • In our country the method of pressure - measuring with copper cylinders adopts the system of static calibration on the whole . the serious static - dynamic discrepancy will be caused when the copper cylinders statically calibrated are used to measure the dynamic chamber pressure
  • In this paper , plasma - enhanced chemical vapor deposition ( pecvd ) technique was used to deposit the dielectric p - sio2 films and p - sion films on the silicon wafer under the conditions of low temperature and low pressure with teos organic sourse . this research was focused on the evaluation of film growth , hardness , stress , resistance and refractive index , by changing the experimental parameters including rf power , substrate temperature , chamber pressure , and the flow rates of teos , o2 , n2 . the results showed that the p - sio2 film was smooth , dense , and structurally amorphous
    实验结果显示,用pecvd法淀积的p - sio _ 2膜是一表面平坦且致密的非晶质结构的薄膜,与硅片衬底之间有良好的附着性;在中心条件时生长速率可控制在2600a / min左右;在基板温度410时有最大的硬度可达16gpa ;其应力为压缩应力,可达- 75mpa ;薄膜的临界荷重为46 . 5un 。
  • The method is described as follows : the velocity of the moving part and the gas chamber pressure were measured with a dynamic test measurement system ; a dynamic model was built on force analysis of the moving part ; the total kinetic resistance replaced the horizontal friction and water resistance ; then the resistance - velocity relation curves at moving stages were obtained ; with the empirical formula of the gas chamber pressure and the resistance - velocity relation curves , the preliminary dynamic characteristics were analyzed and the structural form and key parameters of an underwater assault rifle were determined
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chamber pressure的中文翻译,chamber pressure是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chamber pressure,chamber pressure的中文意思,chamber pressure的中文chamber pressure in Chinesechamber pressure的中文chamber pressure怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
