The area of mn-deficiency soil is large in china . mn-deficiency in agricultural crops, especially in wheat plants, is secondly to fe-deficiency in calcareous soils of the world 中国缺锰土壤面积很大,作物缺锰特别是麦类作物缺锰在全球石灰性土壤上仅次于缺铁。
Eurasian perennial herb having pale pink flowers and curved pods; naturalized in britain and north america grasslands on calcareous soils; important forage crop and source of honey in britain 多年生欧亚草,花浅粉色,弯曲豆荚;已经引入英国和北美钙质土壤草原;在英国是重要的饲料作物和蜜源植物。