
board of commissioners中文是什么意思

  • [网络] 监事会;委员会;人组成的管理委员会



  • 例句与用法
  • If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners
  • If the president commissioner fails to convene a meeting of the board of commissioners on the date specified in such request, having due regard of the requirements to convene a meeting of a board of commissioners, the party who requested the meeting may convene a meeting of the board of commissioners by direct notice to the members of the board of commissioners
  • The board of directors may also make legal resolution without holding a meeting of the board of commissioners, with the provision that all members of the board of commissioners have been notified in writing on the concerned proposal all member of the board of commissioners have given their approval on the said nomination as proven by a signed written approval
  • The board of directors may also make legal resolution without holding a meeting of the board of commissioners, with the provision that all members of the board of commissioners have been notified in writing on the concerned proposal all member of the board of commissioners have given their approval on the said nomination as proven by a signed written approval
  • The board of directors may also make legal resolution without holding a meeting of the board of commissioners, with the provision that all members of the board of commissioners have been notified in writing on the concerned proposal all member of the board of commissioners have given their approval on the said nomination as proven by a signed written approval
  • The notification to attend the meeting of the board of commissioners shall be delivered by hand, or sent by prepaid registered mail with proper receipt, or sent by telegram, telex or facsimile, not less than 3 ( three ) days prior to the meeting, excluding the date of the notice and date of the meeting
  • A copy from the minutes of the meeting of the board of commissioners or resolutions adopted pursuant to article 15 paragraph 13 of the articles of association shall be deemed as a legal copy, if such minutes is signed by the president commissioners, in event of his absence or disability of which impediment no evidence shall be required to third party, the minutes shall be signed by 2 ( two ) other members of the board of commissioners, or issued by the notary who has drawn up the minutes concerned
  • A copy from the minutes of the meeting of the board of commissioners or resolutions adopted pursuant to article 15 paragraph 13 of the articles of association shall be deemed as a legal copy, if such minutes is signed by the president commissioners, in event of his absence or disability of which impediment no evidence shall be required to third party, the minutes shall be signed by 2 ( two ) other members of the board of commissioners, or issued by the notary who has drawn up the minutes concerned
  • Minutes of meeting of the board of commissioners shall be drawn up by a person present at the meeting and appointed by the chairman of the meeting and shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and by one other member of the board of commissioners or proxy of a member of the board of commissioners designated at the meeting to confirm that the com-pleteness and accuracy of such minutes
  • Minutes of meeting of the board of commissioners shall be drawn up by a person present at the meeting and appointed by the chairman of the meeting and shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and by one other member of the board of commissioners or proxy of a member of the board of commissioners designated at the meeting to confirm that the com-pleteness and accuracy of such minutes
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
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