

  • 不同时性



  • 例句与用法
  • When the research content and meaning of the orogenic - sedimentology far more is expanding , and enlarging to the global paelogeography . the evolution history in rifting - assemble of southern china continental landmass is investigated with a relationship between sedimentary basin and orogenic belt , which reflects not only a synchronizing but also asynchronies in contrast , the southern china landmass with the global paelogeography . meanwhile it is promoted that the pan cathaysian is an important part of the global paelogeography
  • The system of variable speed control for asynchrony induction motor has been carried out respectively using motor control ic sa866ae , mcu 8x196mc and dsp tms320f240 . with the help of experiment , the feature comparison has also been done . the developing tendency of motor control ics is clear on the study of various motor control ics
    分别采用变频调速专用集成芯片sa866ae 、专用微控制器8x196mc和dsptms320f240作为控制芯片,研制了异步电机变频调速系统,比较了各电机调速控制芯片的功能特点,指出了调速控制芯片的发展趋势。
  • This study is backed by the research project of stimulus onset asynchrony ( soa ) detection , a newly devised multisensory erp experimental method . on the basis of spatiotemporal pca and existing temporal component extraction method , a spatial component extraction method was designed and materialized . detailed algorithm description , software development introduction and application example discussion were all presented
    本研究以一种新型的多感知erp实验方法?异步刺激检测法( soadetection )的研究项目为背景,以时空pca与现有的时间成分提取法为基础,进行了空间成分提取法的算法设计,并做了软件开发及应用分析。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • 百科解释
Asynchrony, in the general meaning, is the state of not being synchronized.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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