aromatic adj. 1.香气浓的,芳香的。 2.【化学】芳香族的。 n. 1.芳香植物。 2.〔常 pl.〕 香料,芳香剂。
compound vt. 1.使混合,调合,配合;【语言学】复合,合成。 2.(通过互相让步等)解决(纠纷);用钱了结(债务等);一次清算;部分偿还。 3.【电学】复绕[复激、复卷]。 compound a medicine 配药。 compound a felony 【法律】用钱抵赎罪罚。 vi. 和解,谈妥,和平了结。 compound with (sb.) 与(某人)和解[和平了结]。 adj. 混合的,复合的;合成的,复式的。 n. 混合物,合成品;【化学】化合物;【语言学】复合词。 cutting compound润削剂。 filling compound填料。 sealing compound封口胶。 compound2 n. 1.(印度等地工厂、住宅的)圈占地区(南非等地用围墙等围起的)矿工居住区。 2.圈有围墙[篱笆]等的场地〔临时战俘营收容所等〕;(同族聚居的)村寨。
Producer of pesticide , dye , and pharmaceutical intermediates , with an emphasis in phosphorus chemicals . also offers phenyl methyl pyrazolone and several other aromatic compounds -主要生产染料农药医药中间体,产品有氨基胍碳酸盐,氨基胍重碳酸盐氨基胍碳酸氢盐。
Aromatic compounds in river nearby the certain chemical factory were determined by a purge and trap method in combination with gas chromatography mass spectrometry 摘要利用吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱联用技术,对化工厂附近有可能受污染的地表水进行了定性和定量分析。
On the base of wen wu , i programmed the software by using of vb and the animated cartoon tool - 3d . after finishing the software , i did the validated experiments using 8 aromatic compounds as sample 在完成软件的研究开发工作后,以8种芳香类化合物为样品,进行该程序的实验验证。
In the treatment of wastewater containing aromatic compounds using the supercritical water oxidation method , the removal rate increases with the increase of temperature , pressure , and retention time 超临界水氧化法处理含芳香族有机废水,随反应温度和压力的升高及停留时间的延长,苯酚去除率提高,在很短的停留时间内,苯酚的去除率可达96 %以上。
Fouriertransformation infro - red microspectroscopy micro - ftir technique was used to investigate the chemical compositions and structures of cutinite , vitrinite and fusinite from jurassic coals in tarim basin at different temperatures . the results show that the chemical structure of cutinite is mainly composed of long aliphatic - side chain with minor amounts of aromatic compounds . vitrinite is mostly composed of aromatic compounds , in addition to large amount of short aliphatic - side chain compounds . whereas fusinite are dominant by aromatic structure . the study indicates that cutinite is one of the best oil source - rocks , with the higher hydrocarbon - generation potential ; vitrinite is one of better gas source - rocks , and has medium hydrocarbon - generating potential ; fusinite has little hydrocarbon - generating potential . in addition , the components of aliphatic structures of cutinite , vitrinite and fusinite decrease , the aromatics are enriched and condensation of aromatic structure increases with increasing the temperature , and along with the rise of temperatures , the intensity of aliphatic structure and heteroatomic compounds decrease obviously , however the aromatic structure changes a little 应用显微红外光谱技术,对塔里木盆地侏罗纪煤中有代表性的3种组分角质体镜质体丝质体在不同热模拟温度下的结构组成变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:角质体结构组成中含有较丰富的长链脂族结构,而芳香结构和含氧官能团的含量则相对较少与此相反,丝质体结构组成中芳香烃占绝对优势,而脂族结构含量则很少镜质体结构组成介于角质体和丝质体之间,含有较多的短链脂族结构和芳香结构。
The biochemical reaction in liquor - making mainly included the degradation of macromolecular substances such as the degradation of amylum and protein , the biochemical changes of micromolecular substances such as glycolysis of glucose ( emp approach ) and reconvertion of pyruvic acid , and the formation of flavoring substances such as the production of higher organic alcohol , maillard reaction , and the formation of aromatic compounds 白酒酿造过程中的生物化学反应主要包括:大分子物质的降解,如淀粉的降解和蛋白质的降解;小分子物质的变化,如葡萄糖的酵解( emp途径)和丙酮酸的再转化;香味物质的生成,如高级有机醇生成、美拉德反应和芳香族化合物的形成。
The light oils originated from high mature rocks . in the process from source to trap with gas washing and evaporative fractionation , the oils got rich in aromatic compounds and poor in other compounds , which indicates that gas washing has great effects on the oil compositions 认为这些轻质油来自高成熟的烃源岩,在其运移过程中受到气洗,发生蒸发分馏作用,使得其轻组分中芳烃化合物苯和甲苯相对富集,而其它组分则大量损失,表明了气洗对油的改造是十分强烈的。