administration n. 1.管理,掌管,经营;〔英国〕行政,施政。 2.行政机关,局[处、署];〔A- 主美〕政府。 3.给与;施行。 4.给药,(药的)服法。 5.【军事】后方勤务。 6.【法律】遗产管理。 7.(官员的)任职期。 an administration journal 〔美国〕当权派报纸。 an administration senator 〔美国〕支持政府的参议院议员。 a board of administration 董事会。 Fewer and better troops and simple administration 精兵简政。 administration chief 行政处长,总务处长。 civil administration 民政。 military administration 军政。 administration of justice 处罚。 oral administration 【医学】口服。
division n. 1.分,分开,分割;分划,区分。 2.分配;分派。 3.分裂,(意见)不一致,倾轧。 4.区域;〔英国〕选区;部分,部门;(大学的)部;(政府机构等的)司,科。 5.间隔,隔墙,分界;标度。 6.〔英国〕(议会的)表决。 7.【数学】除法 (opp. multiplication)。 8.【陆军】师;【海军】分舰队;海军航空兵分队。 9.【园艺】分株;【生物学】门,类[科,属等]。 10.【体育】(按体重,年龄,技术等划分的)级,组。 the present division in our society 当代社会的分裂。 take a division 表决。 division of business 营业部。 cell division 细胞分裂。 the sales division of the Ford Motor Go. 福特汽车公司的销售部。 the D- of Humanities of the University of Chicago 芝加哥大学人文科学部。 division of officer 【美海军】分队长。 division of function 机能分工。 division of labour 【经济学】分工。 the heavy weight division 【拳击】重量级。 division of powers (中央和地方或立法、司法、行政的)分权。
The administration division assumes the primary responsibility for financial , personnel and general resources management 行政科的主要工作,是负责财务、人事及一般资源方面的管理工作。
The pco is organized into administration division , legal division , operations division , policy division and promotion and training division 公署下分为行政事务部、法律部、执行部、政策部及推广及培训部。
As of 1 july , the alumni relations function will move from the planning and administration division to the educational programs division 7月1日起,前受奖人关系功能将从规画和行政管理部门转移至教育计画部门。
The administration division said that we should pay the water and electricity fee at the due time and that the deadline was jan . 31 of this year 其他回答管理处说?水电费我们应该一到期就续交的?限期到今年1月底。
The objective of the administration division of the hkma is to provide the best possible infrastructural support to facilitate line managers in accomplishing their tasks 行政处的目标是为各部门管理人员提供最佳的基本支援,协助他们顺利完成各项目标。
The administration division provides the necessary administrative support and resources to facilitate the hkma in accomplishing its policy objectives and day - to - day operations 行政处提供所需的行政支援及资源,以协助金管局完成各项政策目标及日常运作。
The administration division deals with human and financial resources management , general administration , accounting and supplies , and information systems and technical support services matters 行政科处理人力及财务资源管理一般事务会计及物料供应资讯科技以及技术支援事务。
Application form for access to information which is available at the departmental administration division of this department or at the public enquiry service centres of all district offices 申请索取资料表格。申请表格可在本处的部门行政组或各区民政事务处的谘询服务中心索取。
The administration division deals with human and financial resources management , general administration , accounting and supplies , and information systems and technical support services matters 行政科处理人力及财务资源管理、一般事务、会计及物料供应、资讯科技以及技术支援事务。