" this decision demonstrates the bush administration s commitment to our trade rules and america s workers 美国商务部11月18日发布消息,美国纺织品协议执行委员会(
He was a symbol of american pluck in his screen debut , " steamboat willie , " on nov . 18 , 1928 1928年11月18日,米老鼠代表美国精神在动画片《蒸汽船威利号》中首次亮相。
For the week ending 18 november , the number of hospital inpatients of hfmd without complication reported was 1 以11月18日住院病人中呈报的手足口病无并发症个案有1宗。
U . s . rock band linkin park will arrive at the shanghai stop of their world tour concert on november 18 美国摇滚乐队林肯公园将于11月18日抵达他们世界巡回演出的上海站。
On november 18 and 19 , the " asian city festival 2000 " was held at hibiya park near the imperial palace 11月18日至19日,亚洲城市节2000在东京皇宫附近的日比谷公园举办。
This was the first time that the two sides had sat down for formal negotiations since talks broke down the night of nov . 18 这是自11月18日谈判破裂以来,劳资双方首次进行正式协商。
Statement of treasury secretary john w . snow on the report to congress on international economic and exchange rate policies , 11282005 美国财政部赞扬中国进行汇率改革, 2005年11月18日
For the week ending 18 november , the weekly consultation rate among gp was 0 . 9 per 1000 consultations 以11月18日为最后一天的一周,按每千个诊症计算,私家医生呈报的每周求诊比率是0 . 9 。
For the week ending 18 november , the weekly consultation rate among gp was 0 . 5 per 1000 consultations 以11月18日为最后一天的一周,按每千个诊症计算,私家医生呈报的每周求诊比率是0 . 5 。
For the week ending 18 november , the number of hospital inpatients of hfmd without complication reported was 0 以11月18日为最后一天的一周,住院病人中呈报的手足口病无并发症个案有0宗。