We stand tall on the quarterdeck , son . aii of us 我们到后甲板待命,孩子,所有人都去
? we have worked the selfsame gun quarterdeck division 我们曾经共事甲板
We have worked the selfsame gun quarterdeck division 我们曾经共事甲板
- i hear we ' re to free the whalers . - you ' re to be stationed on the quarterdeck -我听说我们要释放那些捕鲸人-不包括你,你的岗位在后甲板
I hear we ' re to free the whalers . - you ' re to be stationed on the quarterdeck 我听说我们要释放那些捕鲸人-不包括你,你的岗位在后甲板
Captain smollett , the squire , and dr livesey were talking together on the quarterdeck , and , anxious as i was to tell them my story , i durst not interrupt them openly 斯莫列特船长,乡绅,还有医生,正聚在后甲板上谈着话,尽管我是那么的急于把我的经历告诉给他们,但却不敢公开地打断他们。
the stern area of a ship''s upper deck
The quarterdeck is a raised deck behind the main mast of a sailing ship. Traditionally it was where the captain commanded his vessel and where the ship's colours were kept.