刎颈之交的英语:damon and pythias (friendship); a friendship to the death; a friendship that would lead persons to die for each other; bosom friends who are willing to die for one another; friends sworn to death; int...刎颈之交的韩语:【성어】 문경지교. 생사(生死)를 같이 하는 절친한 사귐[벗]. =[刎颈交]刎颈之交的俄语:pinyin:wěnjǐngzhijiāo дружба в жизни и смерти, беззаветная дружба刎颈之交什么意思:wěn jǐng zhī jiāo 【解释】比喻可以同生死、共患难的朋友。 【出处】《史记·廉蔺相如列传》:“卒相与欢,为刎颈之交。” 【拼音码】wjzj 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;含褒义 【英文】friends sworn to death