- 要言不烦什么意思:yào yán bù fán 【解释】指说话或写文章简单扼要,不烦琐。【出处】《三国志·魏书·管辂传》:“可谓要言不烦也。”【示例】这篇新闻报道很短,但内容很丰富,可谓~。【拼音码】yybf【灯谜面】省略句;白行简【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义【英文】give the essentials in simple language
- 要言不烦的英语:an important statement need not be prolix.; brief and to the point; few words to the point; give the essentials in simple language; hit the nail on the head; speak short and to the point; succinct; terse
- 要言不烦的法语:choses importantes exprimées de façon succincte,sans ambages
- 要言不烦的日语:〈成〉言葉が簡潔で少しも煩わしくない.
- 要言不烦的韩语:【성어】 말이 요약되어 장황하지 않다. 말이 간단명료하다. =[要言不繁]
- 要言不烦的俄语:pinyin:yàoyánbùfánметкие слова не требуют пояснений (обр. в знач.: попасть в самую точку)