Each string is of manageable proportions . 每条线的操作是自如的。
Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver . 水面迫降虽然不愉快,却是容易掌握的手段。
The first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portions . 第一步就要将原油分割成更易处理的馏分。
So the first stage is to split the crude oil into move manageable portions . 因此,第一步就要将原油分割成更易处理的馏分。
By this judicious choice the computations are reduced to a manageable size . 依靠这种合宜的选取,计算被缩减到可处理的规模。
And so the first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portion . 因此,第一步就要将原油分解成更易处理的馏分。
To force the test situation toward manageable proportions it is universal practice to calibrate . 为了使测试工作切实可行,普遍采用的是数据校准。
It is also the only way to keep a book that tries to survey the entire field to a manageable size . 这也是最理想的方法,就是使一本书按照易于控制的篇幅,概括地评述这一完整的领域。
Decentralized organization has become commonplace, aided by computer-augmented control systems that make diversity more manageable . 分散经营管理的组织已很普遍,借助于由计算机增强了的控制系统,使得分散管理更为可行。
At the heart of the jmx api are manageable beans , or Jmx api的核心是受管bean ,即
manageableとは意味:{形} : 操作{そうさ}できる、管理{かんり}できる、処理{しょり}しやすい、扱いやすい、従順{じゅうじゅん}な、御しやすい He had many children to take care of, but they were manageable. 彼は多くの子どもを世話していたが、扱いやすい子どもたちだった。 ----------------------------------------...